Even though we were on the beach there was a small but powerful aura nearby. And by now I could smell it. 20. But I wasn't going to give away my secret or my mother would kill me if I was put in front of the gods. 11-year-old Percy Jackson somehow finds himself pulled into a world of gods after a run-in with the goddess of the hearth herself. Also a certain prophecy. PS: Future Demigods please introduce yourselves by just name. Help him p-please. My girls didn't like Apollo before Percy came into the hunt as he was arrogant and always tried to flirt with them. You didn't summon us?". When he finished chanting Percy fainted but was held steady thanks to Ares. She had changed since we had the boy. We had just finished clearing up when we saw Percy streak but naked and covered in mud across the clearing our camp was currently in and dive into the clear cool lake in the sunset; he sunk most of his body under the water and only kept his eyes above water level. "Nothing more than to meet the boy and give him my blessing in due time. percyxop. I chose to take a walk with the child to by supplies for him. "I'm not your little sister so call me that one more time and I'll castrate you" I warned with a death glare that was returned by him rolling his eyes at me. :). Rated M for sexual content, cursing, graphic scenes. I told the god in gratitude who smiled at me and replied. I warned him but he ignored me. It caught two of them but the older of the two boys fell on to the hard tiled floor. "YOU'RE IT" before grabbing my hand and running. With the addi. Will Poseidon's fury come back to haunt them? We gave it to him smiling and he said he was sorry if he scared us and we assured him we were OK holding our arms up to show him we weren't hurt. All demigods bowed along with me and the huntresses to the gods though no one bowed to Poseidon as I turned to Hestia who was my favourite goddess next to my mum. Artemis had just given birth to a male on August 21st, 1993. He was asleep within minutes and we sighed in relief heading back out to our sisters and Artemis. Percy: [to Artemis] Should we just rest for the rest of the day since it is already afternoon and the dare is to take you out for breakfast? The tree of them looked towards each other and sighed. Please consider turning it on! After Hermes outburst and almost everyone getting annoyed they started to leave. "I will give you both the tour" he said and stepped out of his wheelchair to expose his full true body which was half horse! Then the shorter one wearing all black stated "I am Nico Di'Angelo," and sat down. I'm guessing The Lightning Thief is the first book we have to read." So far she was getting a new bow from Artemis, a set of green clothes from the other hunters along with emerald earrings and a necklace, I was getting her a new dress, headband and iPod for her beloved Demi Lovato songs along with a 50 voucher as I have been saving up for a whole year because we only celebrate ten year birthdays in the hunt unless of course it's Percy! Then there's another series The Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero, The Son of Neptune, The Mark of Athena, House of Hades and Blood of Olympus. 16. valkerie; marvel; powerfulpercy . he said which made Hestia laugh and he blushed. Zeus getting impatient demanded to know who they were. Ares finished his sandwich and brushed his hands together to get rid of crumbs he lifted himself off of the ground but then realised he was dealing with a three year old and knelt down with one knee on the floor and picked Percy up and put him on it. The treatment of certain characters has made me understand why fans of other fandoms get annoyed with things like Bashing. Trying to decide if he was acceptable or not. The only troubles we ever had with the child were. His Roman counterpart is Neptune. Rubbing him dry all over, even though he could will himself dry sometimes, he still liked the feel of a nice soft towel, especially this particular blue one which happened to have fishes on it which Percy adored. Though I hear you are already quite deadly with a sword called riptide!" "Now Artemis you know I am a peaceful goddess and mean neither you nor the boy any harm." asked the frightened child. 1.3M 18.6K 31. I don't think I've ever seen him move that fast!" It only took a week and he was off nappies completely. Reading the Percy Jackson books story. "How'd you know?" We knew that he had been spending a lot of time with a piece of wood and a little pocket knife but was always guarded closely with it even though he wouldn't let us close to what he was making. I cleared the tree line and saw the beast. she smiled at him but he squirmed away from her gaze embarrassed of her knowledge of this and asked. I have no idea how he did it but as he has been using Hermes and Hephaestus' domains they were able to see him and were absolutely amazed at his craftsmanship or in Hermes case thievery. +22 more. Not wanting to pull the fight out more than needed I embedded five arrows in his head and he exploded into dust. Browse; Paid Stories . The lightning thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) Twelve-year-old Percy Jackson is on the most dangerous quest of his life. When we had caught breakfast which was elk and 2 rabbits, we cooked it and plated up, 18 servings in total which was 16 huntresses plus Artemis and Percy which was a rather small portion because he was so little. I pouted that my stare which could make Zeus quiver didn't work on the most annoying god of them all, my own brother. The other problem; 2) was that when we bathed him he wouldn't let himself get wet and nearly killed me the first time I tried cleaning the child by submerging himself in the cold lake water and disappearing only to crawl out again at the other side sit in the mud staring at me as if I was the strange one. Chapter 23. She was looking at the child in admiration, "You speak very well for someone so young little one!" "When a god gives someone their blessing my child, it means you inherit a little part of that god's power. Read Percy Jackson: Son Of Artemis fanfiction written by the author TheGodSage on Webnovel, This serial novel genre is book&literature fanfic stories, . He smiled at us and closed his eyes dropping the bottle and fell asleep. My huntresses didn't like him but I know he'd like Percy. Artemis found Percy on the beach alone with his dying mother believing she had saved them, only for the baby, no more than a year old to save her own life. Zoe asked quite gleeful at the chance of having a baby brother. I hated it when people did that. I wonder how she knew about me wanting to talk to Apollo. we were both laughing and I did remember that we had lots of fond memories of our little brother already and he was only three! Also do not hurt the future demigods no matter what happens, otherwise you will have to answer to us. 13. Zoe though looked very excited and I was about to ask why when she called, "Percy? I surveyed the area quickly and saw that there were no monsters left. Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan. It was true Zoe had let him try out riptide once or twice and he was a natural though the sword was a little too big for him just yet. Ellie had never been to camp before as she was quite new but still quite a lot older than me. One that belonged here. - the two year old nearly exploded with excitement and ran over to his sister a little shakily as he was only two and sat down by her feet looking up at her until she crouched down and produced a necklace with something white on it that I couldn't see, "It's a bear tooth Perce! percyjackson. You may be looking for the book, Percy Jackson's Greek Gods. I ran my hand through his hair absentmindedly until Hestia held her hand out and asked for the boy. He dashed along the surface of the water while I leaped over the little stream, but I noticed using his powers was having the effect we needed on him and he was still tiring out so all was well. I was frustrated. She had a child; no less than a year old all of a sudden he sat up on his own and lifted is hands up. Wake up! 9. # 10. At this my little brother got up and ran to me jumping up at the last second and I caught him as usual, swinging him up onto my hip and bouncing him to make him feel safe. I pried his tiny hand open and took the dolphin toy from his vice like grip. "Zee-Zee, Phe-phe" I smiled and dismissed them as they hurried off to show the hunt their new little, and very cute, member. Percy: [to all who was present] I think that we should continue this . I asked him curious that he hadn't woken straight away but then again Ares blessing was quite powerful, "Hmm, well if all is normal he should wake up tomorrow morning if you feed him a bit of ambrosia. I looked at the baby and noticed he was wearing a snap-suit with dolphins and fish on them and in the back of his neck it said in red 'Perseus' I had never liked that name and decided to change it to just Percy instead. They fed him alternately but Zoe and Phoebe somehow turned out to have the majority of the tasks. Beyond even my brothers help. I only use my water powers when I need them most or if someone is in danger and don't even smell like the ocean anymore because I have the blessings of six gods on me as well as being around my Mom so much I now have silver flecks in my eyes and bits of silver in my hair, though it went quite oddly with my black hair no one seemed to notice. Hestia Pov. She pulled her hands up in surrender and said in a calm voice. Ongoing. "I Win! I makes littwl fires now, do you wike sandwiches?" 17. They returned and Phoebe set the boy down who was sulking at still being treated like a child. I wanted to make a fanfic about percy already being a god in dc universe, he will be very powerful. Chapter 20 Help!" Percy Jackson wasn't born as the Son of Posiedon but as the Son of Artemis and Poseidon. The final book. 84 guests Will Poseidon's fury come back to haunt them? "Well Artemis, you know how Percy's been very sneaky lately and we suspected he stole quite a few things but couldn't pin any of them on him. I growled at him glad to see the look of fear in his eyes, "No not like that Arty I just meant if you let me give him my blessing it might take a bit longer!" This is because it might ruin the story. I was quite small and scrawny for my age but was fast and stronger than I looked. And what dangers will. The gods left us to go and speak with Artemis I guessed and I just sat down in the long grass pulling Percy with me onto my lap and interrogated him on how he'd done it. Suddenly a large box dropped into the center of the room. Phoebe was in here with me and we were talking about the past two years with the boy. "My boy I am Hestia god of the hearth and home which means I can control fire but I also see everything!" . Hestia conjured benches for the demigods to sit on, and they silently thanked her. "Whewe are Zee-zee and Phe-phe Mommy. A son of Poseidon! The moon was also shining brighter which happened when my mother was travelling by flash and I shut my eyes tight knowing she was coming and not wanting to be blinded by the flash. He tapped her and yelled. It was easy because he was small and quite scrawny for a child. We were meant to be weaning Percy off of milk but he loved it so much it was hard to deny those puppy dog eyes, even for a huntress! The boy, Percy hissed "oh shut up Nico, let's see where we are.". What was Mom going to do when she found out? "Milady? 1) If he saw any of the girls fighting each other or having a disagreement that got too heated he would start yelling and screaming until they both turned their attention to him which resolved the problem immediately. But she wasn't watching because she had a meeting with Hades. Hermes waved his hand over the equipment that had been stolen and safely returned it. "I'll read first." The boy seemed to change everyone around him in a good way. You have broken your scared oath?" She was pure white with green eyes just like Percy and made a deep rumbling growl in her throat almost like purring except she wasn't a cat and nuzzled Percy playfully. Artemis had just given birth to a male on August 21st, 1993. he exclaimed and opened his palm to reveal a light coming out of his palm that made it look like he had a torch built into him or something. Son of Artemis (Male reader) (Percy jackson fanfic). Chapter 2 Percy reluctantly nodded. I know he is male, but he is only a child. Another girl came up to us and snapped her fingers I front of our faces quietly whispering. This wasn't the only bath time problem we had. asked Phoebe a child of Ares and excellently skilled fighter she said the phrase with disgust as all of my huntresses hated males. New bonds are formed and friendships will be tested to the limit. Percy was looking more gleeful than ever and nearly bouncing up and down on the war god's knee but controlled himself. "They are fine Percy see" and I turned myself around so he could lift his head and see his sisters were fine. It turns out he made Zoe a charm to put on a necklace and a beautiful one it is too! Several confrontations throughout mythology will also take place. By the most awesome gods ever Apollo and Hermes and the Fates,". Hope you all enjoy. I have seen how you are with him, you are a great mother and I wish to help. We gave him his bottle and lay him down on his bed. He had a cut on his forehead that was bleeding and he was still crying into my shoulder as he was sitting on my hip. Raise him to be kind and honourable and not the stereotype you despise, P-please! Triton's throne was next to Amphitrite's and looked a lot like Poseidon's but much more plain. Pertemis! When I was done I checked out and took the trolley to the back of the shop. We asked her how the heck she'd done it and she told us that we might want to review our Greek myths and tell him those otherwise there would be tantrums every night. All of the girls loved giving him a bottle now even more than before because Percy manipulated the milk to form images of things he had seen, in the milk! Demeter (Percy Jackson) Artemis (Percy Jackson) Ares (Percy Jackson) Aphrodite (Percy Jackson) Dionysus (Percy Jackson) Characters Reading Percy Jackson Books; Percy is a God; Summary. He asked in a civil tone I never suspected possible of the war god. I got up to go and see what was wrong but to my surprise, as I reached the flap of my tent I saw my son was running to Phoebe's tent who came out after a second, and was then pulled to Zoe's tent, after they managed to make her stop crying I heard them both singing to her which was making her laugh. I am NO son of his. In an Accident, She accidentally gave birth to you the way Athena does to her children. Chapter 10 I heard a boy ask. He was getting better at bow and arrow every day as he strived to be like his sisters. Finally, she had enough of the wrongful rule of the Olympians. The creator had seen everything. "Wike mommy? He would lie down on their lap as he was quite small for his age though well developed. "Mooooom" he whined and we all laughed at his embarrassment. Y/N was no different. "L-L-Lady Artemis, P-Please keep my son safe. Chiron stepped out of the crowd with a puzzling look on his face but my mother was faster to talk than he was and explained. she begged with those big brown eyes and I broke. I find this unusual as I read a lot of it, But when it comes to this fandom I hate almost all of it. "I cannot do that my child I have express orders from Zeus himself to keep you hear until you are claimed. Suddenly I saw a silvery-blue light and stalked up to it quickly. But don't worry my child, you will wake up in the morning and be better than ever" I was stunned at the way the great god of forges was talking to the child and looked at him curiously making him explain. Thank you! Percy muttered. A reading about Percy's adventures while fixing relationships in Greek mythology, based of their personalities in the books. "For Artemis. The girl in the front had Auburn hair and bright silver eyes. That's righ Every day a new comer arrives to camp Half Blood. Pothena! He was a very bright child and as a year passed which had Percy at 2 years of age, he could sing the alphabet and count to fifty as well as talk as good as any 4 year old I've seen. as well as The day ran quite smoothly after breakfast and Artemis took Percy for a walk while we trained with our weapons and bettered our fighting skills that were a little rusty due to our baby brother's presence and all the attention he demanded. Artemis/Percy Jackson (162) Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson (25 . 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