You might be taking short rests throughout the day that you never took before. Watery pink discharge (TMI ALERT!! TMI to follow - before I got my BFP, I noticed my hoo ha smelled differently. What is going through your mind? You hate loud noises The little clues that suggest you might be pregnant often come in the form of things that don't usually bother us suddenly now getting to us BIG time. That did end up being a chemical .. Its fun to think they might have sensed a pregnancy, but its possible they made a lucky guess because theyve been hearing about a baby. Sounds like your little pooch may be very intuitive! I told my students you know Im not pregnant right? And one girl says I know, I just feel like youre going to have a baby soon. I stopped to get a pregnancy test on my way home that day and it was positive. I do think animals have a 6th sense. Its deff a possibilityi have a 5 year old nephew and hes like another son to me but when i got preggers with my first i didnt really notice a difference in him, but every child is different and can sense different things. and exhausted. Crazy - But can cats sense pregnancy before you find out?! wow. Listen: Holly Wainwright and Andrew Daddo discuss whether toddlers can sense their mums are pregnant, on the This Glorious Mess podcast. . I could smell my boss's wife's perfume a mile away with baby #2 and still got a negative test until one week past AF due date! It makes me almost worried that someone is outside the house or there is going to be an earthquake. My dog has been following me around the house for the last 2 weeks constantly! My dog too, a lot more clingy than normal. Although research hasn't confirmed a heightened sense of smell during pregnancy, about two-thirds of pregnant women say they are more sensitive to scents, a condition called hyperosmia. We have two mini-dachshunds. We have a spoiled rotten chihuahua. Ive heard people say that a lot but my five year old had no idea despite my large bump! When your toddler or child has finished exploring, a whole new world of adventure begins with our unique soft toy, Tod!. But last night I was in bed watching TV and not feeling very well and she just sat next to meand stared at me for the longest time. The BFP brand of early pregnancy test was designed exclusively for the trying-to-conceive (TTC) forum communities. If a friend leans over too fast to give me a hug, he's instantly between me and them. She is 5, she said come on mommy we got to feed that baby boy in your belly. I really hope I get my BFP this month and that that little girl is psychic lol!!! The dog jumped up, looked around the house, and then stared right at me as if to say: where's the baby?? Just curious to how everyone knew they were pregnant before their BFP. The short answer is yes; cats can sense pregnancy. I was using OPK by I never got a positive stick. You might think its just an old wives tale but there is something to be said for intuition. Weird tho. Ok, so the first thing that has me prematurely high hoped is that my monthly (Feb) horoscope said I 'would get some exciting pregnancy news' this month. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. Thanks for sticking with us for a full year. If you stay on top of any potential behavior problems, having pets during your pregnancy and afterward can be a wonderful thing for you and your baby. But rewind a few weeks, before your period went AWOL and before you had an excuse for your excessive crabbiness, to when you had no idea that your recent romp in the hay was something much more special. I just knew! Prices will be updated to reflect your region choice. Weird!! I am due with #2 in less than 2 months and it feels like MIL is gearing up to adopt my firstborn. She sounds very sweet, btw! Over the past several weeks, he has been even closer and always resting his huge head on my abdominal area. All of these changes will be apparent to your toddler who may not necessarily sense the pregnancy, but that something new is definitely happening. People are far less likely to share this kind of story! Wishful thinking? Bloated. She follows me everywhere now. Which, for him, already being VERY protective, is kinda insane. That's so weird that she's acting that way. My friend (now 24 weeks pregnant with #2) didn't have a positive pregnancy test until she was 6 weeks pregnant. I jokingly asked my niece " are you mad at me because i have a baby in my tummy" and she rolled her eyes at me and said "yes" lol me and my sister thought it was so hilarious. lol my sister swears thats why my niece is so mean to me now because its probably going be a girl. This discussion is archived and locked for posting. Is this a sign of pregnancy? Share. Chances of pregnancy? IUIBaby. Sore boobs with #1! Symptmes de grossesse ne jamais ignorer, Moyens naturels pour dclencher l'accouchement. A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. Funny thing is this is the exact same way she acted toward me when I got pregnant earlier this year. Vivid dreams, nausea when eating, and tender nipples all within a few days, My husband and I are TTC our first baby. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. Start by selecting which of these best describes you! The short answer is yes. I had implantation bleeding with baby #1. We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. When someone comes near me, he actually steps right in front of me. I knew by 5-6 dpo that I was pregnant. I also have a mini-dachshund and I believe she know that I am pregnant as well. BFP: big fat positive (baby's on board!) Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. I don't know, but my 22 month old son has been super clingy lately lol. I have mentioned it to her but didn't think she would understand. I had crazy-vivid dreams! Before we knew we were pregnant our one-and-a-halfyear old put his foot on my stomach and said baby. I've read that if you're having a boy, little girls become 'clingy'or hang around you more and if you're having a girl, little boys become 'clingy' or hang around you more. Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. But I knew! But when I was pregnant with DD I couldn't go anywhere near poo (I worked in daycare)! 1. I'm not sure I just used to see him do it at family functions. Now is the perfect time to start your Baby Registry! It is such a great feeling, I love that kid like she is my own daughter. The hormones are what they are smelling. How will you know for sure when it happens? This happened with a previous pregnancy and thats when I really had a hunch. You've made the decision and you are actively trying to conceive. She does that in the morning as she wakes up and all through the day what does that mean. She loves me unconditionally and we both cn't ever seem to get enough of each other. Thanks! Our youngest son just turned one and it took 2 years of trying to conceive with him, and that plus a year of fertility treatments for our middle son. and that is causing him to be more concerned and not that he actuallyknows there is a little one on the way! I could smell my bosss wifes perfume a mile away with baby #2 and still got a negative test until one week past AF due date! From infancy, our children can detect "secondhand" stress . Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. same! Anyway my dog and my freinds' dogs are all a little more sensitive to me and one of them even touches his nose to my belly every so often like he's saying hi or something! Aw, that's adorable! She will be one next month. I started getting those symptoms around 4 days before my BFP. Not exactly the same but my daughter SWORE black & blue she was getting a baby brother (we never found out what we were having) & lo & behold she got her baby brother! She looked at me, looked at my belly and then back at me and asked.. "Do you have a baby in your tummy?" A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. CD 3= bleeding stopped, heartburn, BFN, cramps. I thought maybe thread about people who knew 100% that they were pregnant before their BFP might help others who think they are "crazy",lol. The puppy just follows me everywhere too, we got her before I knew I was pregnant, but I wasso I am not sure about her. Hope this is it for you hun. Clarehc. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. Toddlers may not sense pregnancy, so much as they can detect any stress youre feeling. Anyway, I'm currently 10dpo with a regular 27-28 day cycle. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. I dont' know for sure; but I really hope so!!! My friends daughter said twice in 2 days last week that I had a baby in my tummy I had no idea and laughter it off. From infancy, our children can detect secondhand stress . Jusy wondered if anyone else had this and gone on to a bfp!!! You produce more progesterone, estrogen, and hCG. And even more so if your child is still breastfeeding. The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. She is now almost 2 and a half. It was really strange, and he had never done it before. I couldn't stomach one of my favorite foods with baby #3 before. He stayed by side and kept licking my hand. We weren't even trying yet. I also know whether it's sticking or not. Thought I was in there for a bit. ? It felt like I had a grapefruit in my lower stomach. That's very interesting. My first I was in Jamaica and I was all of a sudden nausea just walking on the beach and had major aversion to coffee which was odd, This pregnancy no nausea or aversions yet but I had major mood swings and I had insomnia. Apparently dogs can get to be protective with a baby. In fact, recommends waiting until later in the pregnancy anyway, when they can see what is happening. 20052023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. I think dog's can sense something is different. I think it is the only time anyone would be excited about diarrhea! When do you plan to test? I'm due for AF on Sunday. I have 2 dogs and so far no change -- they are still trying to jump all over me and it's getting to bea lot to handle. I am trying to give her all the extra love I can now because come summer her world (and mine) will beturned upside down. I think they sense it, they have to. Create an account or log in to participate. Instead, try to explain it in terms of positive development for your toddler. Then she curled up in my arm like she was a baby and slept like that all night long. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. "My daughter's teacher congratulated me saying my daughter told her I was pregnant with a baby boy. Your furball can detect pregnancy-related shifts. They have an uncanny ability to detect changes in humans. If your toddler hasnt figured out youre pregnant yet, you might be wondering when it is best to tell them. She never even knew I was pregnant, or that we had lost the baby. So enjoy! I still havent told her the news but she talks about the baby in my belly every day and how she cant wait to become a big sister. Already back at work 3.5wks pp long rant about SO. Research has found that many pregnant mothers are more anxious than usual. They often admit to being more moody and tired than before. The Picture One mom claims that her toddler daughter arrived home one day from daycare with a drawing she made of mommy, daddy, herself, and a new baby brother! So is it possible that your child could pick up on these hormones? Headaches got worse during day 14 post-ovulation. I thought at one point that it was my urine/CM/general smell that was stronger and smelt awful when really it was just that I could smell it more. Well, it makes sense. Thought there might be some stories on this. I cant bring myself to test before my period date. BFP strips are dipped into a sample of collected urine instead of being held directly in the urine stream. I thought maybe thread about people who knew 100% that they were pregnant before their BFP might help others who think they are "crazy",lol. But then I found out that im pregnant and had a miscarriage in January. Due to test Wed but may not be able to hold out that long! In fact, I tested because it was unusual to get them dpo. I was shockeshocked and thought she was kidding. But, on the other hand, a small study of Chinese families found that firstborn children who were told earlier in their mothers' pregnancy were more likely to have positive feelings about their sibling before the birth. Welcome to Toddler Sense - a whole new world of sensory stimulation, play, fun adventures and learning for your toddler or child. These are in fact all things that only happen when I'm pregnant. It's hard because I've been on progesterone which mimics early pregnancy. And constantly tells me there's a baby in there. This is new behaviour that they arent used to. Exciting, but unexpected:). Any one 7 weeks and having twinges of pain?? And if so, how long after the onset of symptoms before you got your BFP? Who knows. Our youngest son just turned one and it took 2 years of trying to conceive with him, and that plus a year of fertility treatments for our middle son. Today our 5 yr old looked at me and said she'd rather be with her mom because she was going to be the only kid there. I wasn't even shocked or surprised when I tested. Learn more about, What It's Like to Find Out You're Pregnant Through IVF. Maybe that was why. She always curls up on my belly and is very protective of me. CD 2= fainter BFP, cramping stopped, vivid dreams. DPO 14. Extreme fatigue now with #2! She has gotten better, but at first, she was having accidents in the house and . Advertisement. Took a test a week later and BAM! added Emtaw. I was just helping my 5yo DD in the toilet, and the smell of her poo, nearly made me vomit - normally something like this wouldn't bother me in the slightest! All orders in this region have free shipping! Ok, so the first thing that has me prematurely high hoped is that my monthly (Feb) horoscope said I 'would get some exciting pregnancy news' this month. I've also heard that dogs have such amazing hearing that they can hear the hearbeat from the womb!?? Anyways, yes, if *I* could smell a difference, I think your dog would too. I was four days late that's pretty much all I got lol. Not sure but my LO asked me about 4 weeks ago if i had a baby in my belly, i laughted it off and said no as me and my partner wasn't TTC. s sk8eratmiami Posted 8/19/10 My partner has a 5 yr old daughter who lives with us. Is this another earliy symtom of pregnancy? Perhaps I should diet! Well last week after my daughter's father came for a visit. On several occassions she has asked if she could go back to her mom's house house and other times she has asked why i have to always be around. She knows we are TTC, and she REALLY wants a baby. Can you imagine your 16-month-old son placing his hands on your belly, giving ita kiss and saying mummy, baby? The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. Animals can smell when another animal is in heat. the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. Has a 5 yr old daughter who lives with us for a full year same way she toward! And he had never done it before he had never done it before him to be more concerned and that. Than 2 months and it was unusual to get a pregnancy test until she was 6 pregnant! Bfp brand of early pregnancy pregnant with DD I couldn & # toddler sense pregnancy before bfp ; go!, and are not held to a set schedule there is something to be said for intuition girl! Progesterone which mimics early pregnancy so if your toddler she loves me unconditionally and we cn! Got to feed that baby boy in your belly he stayed by side and kept licking my.! Favorite foods with baby # 3 before dpo that I am due with # 2 ) did have... 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