When all the litigation finally ended, I had some regret that Synanon had been closed, wondering what it might have evolved into after Dederichs complete removal. WebJan 2010 - Present13 years 2 months United States Im a CEDU Survivor who created & runs the Synanon Survivors Group on Facebook. It is the freedom of thought and free speech that gave America the chance to go on and recover from its mistakes. Here we go!' I let yours stand this time because it is so clearly speaks of the speaker not the subject. He told me that he had interviewed Synanon people and examined the UCLA records. He worked hard in high school and ended up earning a scholarship to Stanford. And it is no wonder that almost everywhere Synanon went, Dederich picked a location that was out of zone in which he knew they would be kicked out of, allowing him to claim outrage and obtain sympathy and donations. The sicker he became, the more he was tormented and tortured by the staff. The monster that now existed had to be stopped. You are not alone, the world is full of people with such limitations and that is one of the main reasons war occurs. This intrusive, assertive therapeutic style works well for a few clients but may injure many more. Professor Bellis noted that, A number of clients. While it is not unusual for one party not to want the other party to the successful (and government suffers from the two-party system) it did seem that Bible Belt Republicans really were really upset by the idea that a black man was president; and we suffered for it because any plan, reasonable or not, was to be made sure it could not succeed. That's crazy,'" says Jollett, reflecting back on cult-members giving their children away at 6 months old. I responded to him that the media never knew the extent of the actual violence and as far as violence inside Synanon, how many incidents would you like to know about? Later I sent him a copy of the History of Synanon violence with over 80 incidents and he never responded nor did I hear from him again, nor did he ever apologize to the public for writing a book in which he intentionally avoided the actual evidence. They must be lies because you cant live with any other thoughts. first, you say that many agree with what I wrote and others did not, and as you say, these agreements are expected and that some would be vehemently because of the psychological processes of denial. Yet by the time Synanon shut down in 1991, its model had already been widely copied. None of us were hardcore drug addicts. But they have settled now, particularly, as stated below, as I slowly learned the results of so many of the Synanon clones, which resulted in so much death and brutality. But that questionwhile interestingis really moot; the fact is that while shelter and support is of assistance, the Synanon system based on hate (as stated by Dederich) and punishment was not only a failure but its achievement in publicity, like a Synanon movie starring Ed OBrien, has led to 50 years of horror to countless victims all over the world and continues to do so. Early on they selected former Synanite David Deitch to run Daytop but later released him when they claimed he tried to set up a Communist-based political action committee of ex-drug addicts. Synanon did not even keep it from the public. Some of the kids when graduated became counselors for cheap wages, and there is probably nothing more vicious than an 18 year-old who was abused and now given the power to abuse. Correcting Claire Clarks Recovery Revolution, Book Escape: My Life Long War Against Cults. But is there anything worth giving up freedom of thought? it would be interesting to see you rewrite a summary of what I wrote so it could be judged whether or not you understood it. God bless you. Since I alone have the records (UCLA has only what Synanon chose to give it) I felt obligated. Many entrepreneurs, previously excluded from the lucrative drug rehabilitation trade because of lack of a medical degree, have opened their own second, third, and fourth generation synanon-type therapeutic communities. This was written before he joined. So I went through it again to tried to erase that ambiguity and I hope you are happier with it. Everyone fell in line behind Bush as he made fun of the French or anyone who disagreed, even stating the cult mantra, you are either with us or against us. But when Bush burned a spy to take revenge on a Sen. who spoke out, the media woke up and with it so did the country. Dawnne Takeuchi, 18, was killed when she was thrown from a semi-truck near Pagosa Springs, Colorado, in June 1994. It was known for communal living, practices such as group "truth-telling" sessions they called "The Game," requiring married couples to split and take new partners and female members to shave their heads. People had to know its dangers before making choices to support or join. It exposes the cruel abnormal policies, practices and propaganda the Synanon children were forced to endure in a so-called modern America. Synanon was a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center and movement-turned-cult in California that existed from 1958 to 1991. This is not a criticism of that policy; but just the fact that it was insignificant in relation to the civil rights movement which was raging in the 60s and pushed by the Kennedys, Martin Luther King, and many black actors and athletes and my generation that marched and died in name of civil rights. "I have nightmares about my son falling down steps, I have nightmares about dropping my daughter. He wrote the failure of Yablonsky to see the horror of what he had written raised questions suggesting a lack of humanity in Yablonsky. (c) Nov. 2012. And while in 1978, he noted, Synanon publicity reported 20,000 people had gone through its doors, they were exiting at even a higher speed. The leader, Chuck Dederich, decided we wouldn't have parents, and then we just didn't.". Eventually in a 1978 tape recording called The Freebees are over Dederich set forth the plan to establish a private corporation, Home Place, Inc. in Arizona which would charge Synanon for rotating people to the new compound to be educated by Dederich and that Synanon would pay the corporation for this, which then would pay salaries to Dederich and his cronies, of which they would pay taxes. The musician was careful in his portrayal of his mother, whom he feared would come across as a one-dimensional villain. We were mentally ill. Chuck Dederich would not only envy the Money Elan made, but the protection they got. I have the book and am reading it. Sincerely And when former clients sued Straight for holding them against their will, Straight pressured parents into letting Straight fight for them for the right to force their kids into treatment with the force of a court order. This story A few, but very few have gone out and made it. Many of these, however, were more like resorts for the rich and famous and charged $30,000 a month. As a key distinction between comparing Synanon to America, those in Synanon who tried to warn or criticize were shut down and shoved out. Simon, also using the Lifton model, concluded there was a danger in observing Synanon through participation because one could be caught up in the brainwashing. WebASTART is a community of professionals, family members and survivors working to protect children from abuse and neglect in residential programs, and ensure families have safe and effective community-based care. Synanon can make its recommendation not to connect, even expel and announce it will not accept the person back; but there is no right to stop contact by never informing the person of attempts being made and giving the person the choice. I'm not doing that. Following this broadcast, several executives of the NBC network and its corporate chairman allegedly received hundreds of threats from Synanon members and supporters. [31] NBC continued with a series of reports on the Synanon situation on the NBC Nightly News. In the early days of Synanon, the age of most addicts who stayed were older, as Ofshe noted, and tired of life on the wild side. I am also assuming that you have learned some of these things since you wrote this post-as I have seen some things you have written since that I was quite impressed by. Whatever truth might lie within, I concluded with ease that some people being addicted was a price of free thought. After Bush lied to us and caused mass distraction in Iraq that outdid 9/11, this country was much like a cult which is expected to happen when one is subjected itself to terrorism. Unfortunately as I learned what happened in clones and wilderness programs, people not only did not learn from that history, a book like Janzens can help fuel the continuation of its tragedies. Finally, even the founder was not cured, returning to marijuana by 1977 and to an alcoholic stupor in 1978 that led to drunken parties throughout Synanon, as Phil Ritters and my murders were plotted, and the supposedly rehabilitated and reformed celebrated at the news of resulting injuries. Simon had come to Synanon because his teacher, Abraham Maslow, the founder of the Humanistic Movement, of which Synanon was using its lingo, was predicting that Synanon would transform psychotherapy. When he begged to see a doctor, the staff sneered at him and called him a faker and asked him if he were homosexual.. But I DO know the culture of Synanon. . Gina Score, 14, at the state-run juvenile prison camp at Plankinton, South Dakota, 1999 was run to death. Members were brainwashed, tortured mentally and barred from leaving the communityescaped members were subject to beatings. Also, because of time restraints, I put up the information so it is there and then go back and edit when I have the chance. The reviewer for his section on synanons for prisoners is none other than Dr. Robert DuPont, the second White House Drug Czar and founding director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and who administered a whopping $1.8 million contract to an experimental, start-up synanon for kids-only called The Seed in Fort Lauderdale. If one thought about it, does one really need to go to a rehab to stop taking pain pills or a little drinking or smoking marijuana; these were and are issues that the medical profession could not fail in guiding if one wanted to quitreducing, changing or eliminating prescriptions. You can also see a shorter version of my career on Wikipedia if you do not wish to buy the book. Were you happy with the violence? one, it was a hard fought battle. Phoenix House is one of the biggest TCs today. I had never been arrested nor done drugs. In writing all these chapters, I tried to set forth the facts as factual as they occurred, thus leaving for historians to make their own answers to these questions. Dederich admitted at deposition that Synanon did not know how to cure a drug addict and he believed the addict would fail if he left. There were countless communes and entities much larger that took in people of all races. The real origins of the Cedu schools remained hidden from the students, their parents and much of the staff until years after their graduation or departure. Ms Szalavitz wrote there are hundreds of emotional growth boarding schools, wilderness camps, and tough love anti-drug programs that make up the billion-dollar teen residential treatment industry. Suggest you get my book on Amazonmy life was not limited to Synanon. Where you at synanon in 1972-1973? But Farve had the money so he could be self indulgent. In Is This A Camp Or Jail? by Adam Cohen, Time, January 26, 1998, he chronicled the three dozen deaths that occurred in such wilderness camps in the past decade. Sidney Poitier did more for race relations in one movie than most of the world combined. And in the end, what I presented were facts, i.e., the actual statistics, what happened in the clones and the general consensus of experts that the Synanon system of brainwashing, punishments and humiliations is counterproductive and psychologically dangerous. The Cedu schools (one in California, and one in Idaho) were each located in a mountain wilderness, and students soon discovered that they were teenage captives, without identification or money, in an imposing geography they could not easily or safely negotiate or escape. He was constantly accused of being a malingerer and faking it when he complained of being sick and unable to go on. But I believe there are important messages in its history I was drivin not to let Janzen alter it. Im so grateful, thankful & PROUD of everyone who made this happen!!! I stated my views, but I gave statistics and reports to back them, most unfortunate to learn of the great tragedy that have occurred in the clones are all these years. Its just simply if your writing a book on the history of an organization and you are aware that someone filed multiple actions against it, and they tried to murder him for it, if you are a journalist you are going to interview that person. I find I edit better after I posted and edited this one about 5 times so far. When she finally was rescued by a grandmother, the organization was fortunately wiped out by the resulting civil judgment for damages. Jollett also healed by opening himself up to therapy, music and, eventually, love. And in March she went, flying into Georgetown with her family, a few friends, and Jordan But it is a calculated risk we take. For us, it was Experience of Contact, thousands of interviews, internal documents, depositions of leaders and a lifelong examination. Here we are not talking about riding horses, discussing the nature of man, or Emerson, but a reign of terror that was destined and predicted by many in the early 60s due to the Synanon methods of attack therapy, forced confessions, rewards and punishments and brainwashing about enemies. In the introduction I asked the question was Charles Dederich just another sociopath who rose to power or was he a Jedi Knight seduced by the Dark Side. Out of 1,180 addicts who had entered Synanon in its first five years of operation, only 26 had graduated. In one of his many papers on Synanon, Ofshe noted that it is doubtful that all the therapeutic communities that cloned themselves after Synanon would have done so if they heard Mr. Dederich testify as he did in 1979: its always a mistake to let anyone into Synanon. By 1976 the plan to transfer the money to the Dederich family was cemented and implanted. But before I wrote this, there were many before me who wrote the same thing trying to put an end to the warped Synanon system that as Dederich said was based on hate. WebSynanon eventually unraveled in a series of assaults and attempted murder. Many programs report a high dropout rate with younger adolescents, which is directly related to this factor. But I wrote my book Escape: My Life Long War Against Cults with the view of writing the only book anyone need read on the subject. While the abuse in Synanon was bad enough, it pails in comparison to a stream of sociopaths who hijacked the system to become Millionaires through the abuse of children; in some cases even as morally deprived as organizations that kidnap children and sell them for profit. . by He spent 15 years Others reported in 1973 that the Synanon absorbing members was retention, not rehabilitation, a result found unfortunately in many of the Synanon clones, which Synanon bragged 2,400 existed. Hitler did great things for Germany, but it would be wrong to use them to assert we should all think of it as Spring Time for Hitler, as Janzen did of Dederich. Synanon and Enthusiastic Sobriety Enthusiastic Sobriety Abuse Alliance Synanon and Enthusiastic Sobriety A conversation with David Cherry. Before moving in, Jollett had always considered his dad a "badass," a "criminal," a "pirate. And it will be edited further. For comparisons please get my book Escape: My Life Long War Against Cults. I talked with you briefly about Elan and of its closing. (He is now sober. Perhaps worse, was Dederichs friendship with Caesar Chavez wherein CED convinced Caesar to live like a rich man on La Paz and import the game which led to mutiny and the downfall of the UFW. A recovering alcoholic named Art Barker in 1970 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and run almost entirely by kids for kids. Elan was known of using such standards as haircut, pull- up, the game and humiliating signs; but added a boxing ring for resisters to be plummeted by bigger guys until a bloody confession was extracted, regardless of its truth. We know that a, that a, only one out of I think 25 is going to stay long enough to be of any consequence at all. Dinosaur Survivors Leave a Reply Cancel reply. In short Straight took a bad treatment modality, made it worse, and then force their young subjects to endure it. He stated he consciously directed the Synanon population through this method. you might also want to watch Cal. The authorities closed it down. As stated above, as Dederich believed this, his squeezes and toss outslike old timer Bill Crawford was willfully sentencing one to death for CEDs ego and financial gain. Matt C. Hoffman He would want to know the reasons that motivated me, if he was in search for the truth. Even today, some ex Synanon members, including many who had claimed they were harmed and/or were critical upon leaving, have played an on-line version with each other that slowly brought them back into the fold, confessing what others want to hear and afraid to say what they dont. CED had similar protection but blew it when he started ordering attacks and got caught on his tapes. It was only after the invasion of Iraq and discovery that the administration dangerously burned a spy to get even with for Sen. husband who wrote the administration had no evidence of Iraq weapons of mass destruction when it created a greater attack than 911 itself, that journalist took back their mandate to look for the truth and present that truth the country. That is why the health department took action in 1977. *, As with The Seed, at Straight abuse was omnipresentincluding beatings and kidnapping of adult participants. It just seems monstrous.". A small portion decided they had enough, and gave too much credit to Synanon and not enough to their own will power. He found that at Odyssey House only 25% of admissions stay more than 30 days, that the rate is down to 9.7% after six months, 5.6% at 1 year, and 2.8% after 18 months; the programs required length of stay to graduate.. What was it one in 25 days for 2 years? Over the years as I wrote c. upon chapter of Synanon history, I have mainly received nothing but great comments from people. This program was called MATRIX. If you think I am wrong to have spent time over the years going through Synanon documents to record its history, particularly its plunge into violence, that is your right and opinion. if you have actual information please, but your tirades will be deleted. The study of cults can teach us the problems of nations. Elan made millions and millions of dollars, off of criminal child abuse. Synanon was the first therapeutic community devoted to the treatment of the drug addicted according to the Encyclopedia of Drugs and Alcohol, which is edited by the first White House Drug Czar; Dr. Jerome Jaffe Synanon is the prototype of the drug-related therapeutic community-a community where the addict surrenders all aspects of his life, except one-the right to leaveBratter and Forrest write that In less than a quarter of a century, the American self-help residential therapeutic community has come to span the globe. Its a real field day.. And that was great. Copyright Paul Morantz. And yes, there is some bad grammar. Since I had as friends, people like Bernie Kolb and Ben Parks, who went from long-term addictions to long time great human beings, I concluded something there must have worked. But I also concluded that Synanon would always be dangerous because of the nature of the Synanon game. The problem of these programs was it was believed it was justified to use any means, denying human and civil rights and treating people who didnt need treatment; all this done without any proof that behavior modification programs ever worked. Children of Synanon John Dougherty October 10, 1996 4:00AM The story sounds diabolical. He wrote that, High discipline programs usually employ the confrontive Synanon game-a leaderless group encounter session to create aggressive and provocative interchange, using ridicule, cross examination and hostile attack. Dr. Casriel in 1963 reported that of 62 people located of 160 entries, 19 were graduates, while 43 remained inside Synanon. No one will be mad at you. Whether a small town, island or, commune, they have a better chance for a part of the American dream than if on their own in the big city. , assertive therapeutic style works well for a few clients but may injure many more entries... 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