Process Your Emotions Final Thoughts How to Implement the No Contact Rule Pisces is a Mutable Water sign with an emotional and unpredictable personality. As a result, dont give up on your Pisces man. Don't be manipulative, no matter how subtle you think you are. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. So you basically gave him the give me what I want or Im gone in different words. 12. So just separate yourself for a while and keep your distance because without a dream to aspire to a Pisces is hardly a Pisces! Copyright 2022 | Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. He prefers his date nights to include mushy-gushy emotional conversations that might help him know more about you, he can also prefer his date nights to be cozy and eccentric rather than doing the common going out to party kind of thing. I believed I made him feel uncomfortable at times and confused. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Read More About Me! We are all made out of different sign combinations, the Rising Sign, the Moon, Venus, and Mars. Those are good responses but what you are really looking for are responses like these, "I want to get back together". Im feeling bad and i dont understand, Im thinking if we will go back together again or should i forget about it? He cant bear this pain. First of all, they need to reassure their Pisces partner everything is going to be okay for them and that they'll going to be alright without him or her. Be attentive to your Pisces man; it helps to be aware of his feelings and thoughts because it keeps changing. A week or two before I asked him the question, he had told me that he rushed into a relationship that lasted 4 years and it was toxic with a devastating end 3 years ago. Pisces men are not analytical like most other zodiac signs. The no-contact rule is when you break up with someone (or you've been dumped), and decide to cut them off completely. You can try to show him that you understand his feelings and that youre interested in him. Small talk doesn't interest them at all, and you'll find that even upon meeting them for the first . Concentrate on bettering your self esteem and branch out when you look for guys. Dont allow yourself to go through this period without becoming wiser and stronger. In this article, Ill discuss some of the signs that youre dating a dreamy man. The no-contact rule means that you'll free up a lot of time in your schedule. I havent done no contact because I am about to move across the country and I thought by doing so I would lose him for good. Two Pisces partners will have trouble trusting each other. The no contact rule is not a tool for getting revenge or giving your Pisces man what you think he deserves. 1 Give him time and space to process the breakup. Im disappointed that he didnt just say something like Im not interested in a relationship lets move on or something not lets take a break. He still had insurance coverage under me and we still have a flight ticket I split. The Good Men Project. Let's look at a few other benefits of following the no contact rule. They are skilled at touch and sex and know how to use them to make their partner feel valuable and desirable. He might be more persistent and has inner stubbornness that you might not know about. Following through with your promises will build trust and dispel his doubts. Overall, your Pisces man in love with you will be romantic, he will be extremely affectionate and might exhibit clinginess, he will be devoted and loyal, he will be giving and might compromise things just to make you happy, he is a spiritual soul who dreams and finds life as it is. Taking a step back from your relationship can give him time alone to decide. So my question is the no contact method would work because Im not sure myself if I want to continue with someone who doesnt open enough and internalise all of his feelings and thoughts and you never know what exactly going on in his mind. They want to be able to be there to help those they care deeply about heal from their past wounds and to keep them safe from hard emotions. Pisces men are prone to be taken advantage of, so being loyal to him will make him think twice about dating other people. Your email address will not be published. As painful as it will be to know that you are causing pain to these sensitive souls, sometimes it is needed in order to show them what they have lost. When a Pisces opens up to you, he knows that you now carry a part of him. Before we move forward, I highly recommend you to take this 2-min FREE compatibility quiz and calculate your relationship compatibility score created by my friend Anna Kovach, a professional Relationship Astrologer. If you are looking for more in-depth training to get your Pisces man back and to have him think about you all the time, then Id suggest you check out zodiac-based dating expert Anna Kovachs book Pisces Man Secrets. Afterwards, he would sometimes post things like come back and Ill just fix myself, promise and on some days he would become so cold and distant. For a guaranteed one, your best bet is studying and understanding his psyche with an in-depth guide like, Before we move forward, I highly recommend you to take this. Taking a break from each other will let your Pisces man know that loving himself is the first step to making a relationship work. It's the type of confidence that's so powerful, it shows up in your physical appearance. To attract a Pisces man, you must understand his body language and read his signals for signs of love. A Pisces believes in their heart that everything is going to work out for the best. Check out Pisces Man Secrets guide here >>. You will feel his emotional detachment by being physically and emotionally distant with you, he might even ghost you or make you worry by being on leave for long periods, this is usually his time to recuperate and feel all the pain and sadness. When in a relationship, the Pisces man forms strong feelings and deep connections and expects his partner to feel the same. When the fun is over, he can be quick to express his melancholic emotions to his partner, he can be extremely emotional but will only be up to a point because once he gets over it, he will be gone quickly, swiftly as the wind. Dating A Pisces Man? Talking about this issue with the Pisces man and taking some time off from the relationship is the best remedy for his possessiveness. Even if youre not in a romantic relationship, you can still make him miss you by showing your loyalty. As a water sign, Pisces men are deeply sensitive, compassionate, and loyal. He's notoriously slow to forgive. This is totally normal. A period of no contact with him will have him realizing just how much of him he gave to you. I was wondering if he could come back after me not responding to his messages and telling him that I needed some time away from the friendship. He wanted to keep in contact but I told him that it was best if we didnt I ended it, stop replying to his messages. Trust in your heart and in your intuition. Hi Anna, This is going to leave him asking for you to come back. Pisces men are loyal and will never cheat on their partners. Be open to fun and flirtatious conversation, be more sensual and try to show your sexy side to him, be open in creating environments that will turn him on and might make his imagination wilder, in doing these you are reigniting the spark of fantasy in his mind. Tell him the ways he did that made you fall in love with him, share good memories, try to be sweet and calm, and not rush him in answering anything. Pisces man will no doubt be concocting all kinds of dreadful scenarios where you leave him, or dump him for his best friend. After spending a few days wallowing in self-pity, you were encouraged to fill up your schedule and keep yourself as busy as possible. This will surely make your Pisces guy come back to you in no time! Still, her subtle guilt trips and martyrdom can become oppressive over time. The thing is, its exactly what you need. Double the no contact time so you have more time to breathe. Just as an angry bull snorts and bellows, your Taurus lover may respond vocally. I begged for him to give the relationship a chance talked about changes I made, ways to make distance work, and how special our relationship was (he told me hes never felt this strongly about anyone and he could see himself marrying me). My Pisces boyfriend and I broke up about 7 weeks ago. A normal Pisces has a deep desire to heal others. Women don't want to use it as a controlling tool. This is a tactic that will play on how they wanted a future with you. Pisces men can get caught in that loop of repeating bad habits or patterns because they cannot figure themselves out emotionally. I was dating a Pisces man for about 3 months we had a great connection, but I get to the point where I wanted to take the relationship to the next level and he told me he wasnt ready for a relationship. Not talking to you is going to drive him insane, because he truly wants to make sure that you are okay, especially after such a traumatic event as a breakup. The internal struggles your Pisces man is hard to deal with, because he domains the element of water, he will feel more things deeper than any other, and actively listening to him will help him sort out his emotions more. They can also be dreamy. I love him Ann and I wanted nothing more but to be with him but it seems like I was the one making contact after I came back from my trip in February. For example, he may paint you a picture or bring you flowers from his garden. This is because they often feel like theyre escaping reality and trying to make you feel special. It is believed that the no-contact rule helps people get over the breakup quickly. Find it here. This goes for anybody, especially your Pisces man, just like Sagittarius, he is a creative and imaginative dreamer who doesnt like to be constrained, as much as possible give him personal space to recuperate and think though. Pisces are extremely afraid of failure and getting hurt so this isnt shocking. Your Pisces man likely made you feel like life was a fantasy world. Honey even if he did come back there is no guarantee he wont do the same thing again. Pisces is a feminine sign, which means the Pisces man is sensitive, kind, and understanding. Yes, with the right emotional intimacy and deeper understanding of his psyche, youll be able to help your Pisces guy to come into his senses and do his part in fixing a broken relationship. Because of this, most men adopt a "her loss" stance at the beginning of the breakup and work hard to keep up appearances that "everything is . We establish No Contact for a number of reasons, including preserving a healthy mind and spirit after the ending of a toxic, unhealthy or abusive relationship or friendship. You need to make him believe that everything will work out for the best and that this period is necessary for your relationship. Hi Anna, Show him a glimpse of your fascinating life without him. Try to be more understanding and patient, in this stage do not try to force him with instead, show him your words of encouragement and try to do romantic gestures on him. The no contact rule psychology is based on the fact that men and women tend to want exactly what they can't have. Pisces guys tend to pursue a lady who pays him no attention because of his desire to please the people in his life. Anna Kovach teaches you that in her Pisces Man Secrets guide. We saw each other every weekend, I hopped in his truck with him and take a load, and then slowly after his cousin died in December then his Aunt in January he started fading away. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Advertisement. Your Pisces man will come back to you after a breakup, because of his mutable energy, he will have second thoughts and might impulsively act on his decisions depending on what he feels, he would be open to coming back as long as he feels that you still want him back in your life. This means no texts, no phone calls, no interaction on social media, and no in-person contact. There is no guarantee that the no contact rule will make your ex come back or better your relationship with him. Write a letter to yourself. Categories Astrology, Pisces Articles, Pisces Men Articles, 10 Signs that an Aries Woman is Falling for You. Ive been in a Situation with a Pisces. When the Pisces man is playing you and has no intention of forming a committed relationship with you, its best to avoid him. The no contact rule is a strategy that can be used to heal after a breakup. The dreamy side of a Pisces mans personality is a defining characteristic. Here are a few tips to help you to maintain your distance. Pisces men are very emotional and passionate and they cherish, Pisces men are highly creative, and they channel their feelings through art. Despite being one of the kindest and most empathetic signs of the Zodiac, they really do not open up easily. The Pisces man is not as confident as he appears on the outside, and he lives in constant insecurity of a partners feelings for him. Im pretty hurt considering how much hes opened up to me and I thought we had an actual friendship aside from being sexual with each other. As two of the three water signs of the Zodiac, you're . Although this isnt a sign of possessiveness, a Pisces man might become jealous if you dont act on his intuition. In most cases, they will not fall in love, because of their inner need to inspire their partner and help them grow. I been reaching out to him to work things out etc.. but he asked me to give him space and in a few months we can re link, he also told me hes not going to say we are never going to get back together. We started dating almost two years ago, when we were first seeing each other he was sweet, into me and very passionate. side that he said that he never was on his on any need some time alone. We Decided to take a break its mostly come from his. While they can tolerate a quickie, an hour or more of physical intimacy is ideal. Thank you for sharing your experience sweetheart. For an aquarius man intelligence is one necessary trait that he will want in his better half. Dont let that happen. And that made him breakup with me. This shows him that you are sticking to what you want and will not settle for less than you think you deserve. The no contact rule enables you to detach yourself from the situation and deal with your emotions and pain in a better way. Because he is part of the Water sign Trio, you will certainly feel his protectiveness and loyalty, he will not be afraid to show his emotions to you, he will be empathetic and provide emotional and moral support to you especially if youre having a rough time in life. If your Pisces man hurt you in the past, dont hold it against him or give him all the blame. Its also a good idea to be playful with him on social media. Many people swear by a "clean break" as the best way to process your feelings and move on. The Pisces man has the heart of a poet and the soul of a mystic, thanks to his dreamy water sign. His fear of losing you makes him selfish and clingy that hell control everything you do and decide who you spend your time with. Pisces men like being able to touch and be intimate with their lover. They know that they might get judged for being their authentic selves and that would kill them. Pisces men cannot let go of those hes loved or felt connected to. If youre thinking of, Be careful if he becomes jealous. I know youre moving but are you sure that a long distance thing will work? There are many ways to make a Pisces man miss your company. If he becomes cold and neglectful for more extended periods than usual, the issue can be resolved by taking a break from him. This can sometimes be interpreted as possessive behavior. Another good sign that is falling in love with you is the sudden long stares you get from him because Pisces is a natural daydreaming sign, his eyes will say it all, his doe-eyes can melt and even magnetically attract you unto him. He has a lot on his plate and hes very stressed out. Pisces men are the very much introverted yet charming men of the zodiac, being a water sign, the Pisces man youre dating would probably be emotional and deeply intuitive to the point of being psychic, with his mutable modality, this makes him more open to change and going in with the flow. He'll vent to friends and tell them a one-sided view of what happened. Be loyal to him. They are deeply empathetic and don't just pretend to be listening to you. The no contact rule is not a tool for getting revenge or giving your Pisces man what you think he deserves. One of the toughest parts of getting over a breakup is resisting the urge to text your ex. For a guaranteed one, your best bet is studying and understanding his psyche with an in-depth guide like Pisces Man Secrets. Say only what you can do, and make sure you do what you say. Hello Anna, I have a question so my ex who is a Pisces broke up with me 5 months ago. It's in a woman's posture, her steady eye contact and her strong, clear voice. He might care for you in some way but he will avoid any confrontations at all cost and you will certainly have a hard time getting straight answers from him, this will only make you both feel frustrated. It doesnt work that way. This actually works to your advantage, because when he cannot talk to you, he feels like the world he made has fallen apart. He called me after the breakup to check on me and to say sorry and he didnt mean to hurt me because he loves me but he cant stay in a relationship with me. Im well aware of his situation. Whether with your Pisces man or with the next person who will catch your eye, your relationship after a no-contact period will always be better. You should understand that this is his way of defending you and showing you that he cares about you. What Is the No Contact Rule? Going silent on them will ensure that they have time to reflect and to take into full consideration what they have let go. It's hard for the Pisces man to open up, especially once he feels embarrassed or belittled, so empower him to speak to you. I gave him space for about a week and checked-in with him again where se said he needed time and to slow things down. Pisces value emotion over logic, and he greatly lives in his fantasy world, because of his innate intuition, this can make him attuned to higher or even spiritual dimensions, he might not believe that he can but he will have an utmost advantage in sensing energies in his environment than other signs. You can spot her a mile awayshe'll be holding her head high above the crowd. Scorpio Woman and Pisces Man Attraction: Will It Last? The second would be to ignore you back, and the third to suffer in silence. I wish you all the love and happiness you deserve sweetheart! Acknowledge that you have a part to play in your relationships issues and challenges. "It was a mistake for me to leave you.". His loving and emotional side can be otherworldly because he exhibits natural psychic and spiritual abilities, he might even have an interest in learning the esoteric and occult knowledge which he might share his knowledge upon you. Despite their shyness, they are highly intuitive and can be ideal partners. If you feel like youre smothering your Pisces man, hes probably overprotective. He will do anything to said this find me but yet I felt something holding him back. As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, check out Anna Kovachs book, Pisces Man Secrets, for more in-depth training for you to get your Pisces man back, to have him desire you, and think about you all the time. He said he still loves me and hes sure he will regret hes decision but for the moment he thinks its the best thing to do. You'll Get a Dose of Reality 3. Females use the no contact rule to see if a man will change. His emotions and thoughts never stay still, and he trusts his intuitions more than logic. A romantic relationship, the Pisces man will no doubt be concocting all kinds of dreadful scenarios where you him. He might be more persistent and has inner stubbornness that you are although this isnt shocking time! Playful with him on social media your promises will build trust and dispel his doubts this issue with Pisces. I know youre moving but are you sure that a long distance thing will work as water! 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