he has either spent large amounts of time away from them to pull the killings off or is someone who spent a lot of time in both places, whether it was growing up or at least immediately prior to the killings. He has never been charged in their deaths. Who is wrong here? Delphi murder suspect Richard Allen, 50, was involved in a domestic incident in June 2015, less than two years before the February 2017 killings. Motive would be more like the typical psycho motives serials have. He would appear to be beyond reproach with an occupation like that. People on the internet being sloppy or trying to develop theories is one thing. Those are the motives are more normal killer might have. I wonder if thats true. Hi, nothing is known about COD in Evansdale. Abby on her stomach, Libby on her back. If so, the crime scene was pre-set with toys? Freemasons worship Satan and they have Satanic rituals at times of high unholy days (like Christians have high-holy days). Is that many of them are Freemasons. Lee Hoard Delphi, IN prior Carroll County Sheriff named by a woman via her anonymously released journal released that detailed her statutory rape by this man, but there is no proof that he committed this crime. JM also has LE connections, and she was the one who gave us testimonies from two LE officers, a sheriff in a nearby country and a detective working in Narcotics. So the same guys who are extra hush come out and say Oh weve done a detailed investigation on both homicides, and we can tell you for certain the two murders are not connected, and these geniuses take them at their word 100%, face value? If you dont mail me, I will send a mail to the address you used on PayPal giving you the link and the password. The figure outlined in your photo (Abigail) appears to have her arms at either side of her body. Bottom line is these serials simply kill people because its fun. Donate $20 minimum at the PayPal link. The skeptards now say it was kids playing on a trampoline nearby. Yeah. If his clothes were covered with blood, how the Hell did he get out of them and into clean clothes two hours after the murders? Now there are 14 out of 17 sequels out on Bitchute (The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal). For me, the motive is abduction/rape/possible trafficking. I have heard that it was truly a shocking scene to witness. has used these numbers before related to their deaths.? If they were carrying her, her head was not cut. Thats almost a book! I am a senior investigative officer. Yep, its probably idiotic to talk about motive and Ive fallen into that trap. Look at Ted Bundy. Authorities have not released information about how the girls died, but Carter said he believes the killer is hiding within the close-knit Delphi community. I guess my Dad instincts run high with this. It now turns out that it was being provided by a Delphi police officer who was a friend of Mr. Xs. Jason Wilhelm Lafayette, IN man arrested in Key West, FL for rape in Indiana, firearm theft in Tennessee, and mentioned by the escort who brought the Lafayette sex ring to light. How about getting your moneys worth? Hes a loner for sure. We think that Leaker is covering his tracks about Mr. X, possibly because he doesnt want Mr. X to get hurt or harassed based on information that Leaker put out there. Two girls were abducted at once on the 13th of the month. They had gone for a walk on a hiking trail in Delphi, Indiana, and one of the last things they did was record a man approaching them on the trail on their phones. The bridge had been there for about 100 years. Thats suspicious. To be fair, I would need to see the alternative version first hand. I have been following geopolitical events since the scamdemic started. Some dirty, dirty shit is going down in Delphi. The girls were found five months after they were abducted and the bodies were in very bad shape, mostly skeletons. I assume an alibi being provided by a police officer is solid. Good point on the call-off and associated rough terrain/darkness. Lots of cops, mayors, attorneys, public officials are Freemasons. Im a Catholic, not a Mason. I am so glad to see you are back! Finally, regarding the recording, I clearly hear OhmyGod! after Guys. Maybe it is Hes got a gun! Either way, that clip is terrifying. Thank you for your reply below, but it doesnt have the facility to let me reply, so I have had to use this one once again. A lot of my friends never joined. This guy is like a hungry anaconda about to strike 8 to 14 year old girls at any time. This seems to be a particularly cruel thing to do to a victim. 1. I think DE was lying about her hands being folded on her chest. Leaker backed up that rumor. Hes got a gun! followed by click sound; the police told family that this is the sound of gun being cocked. I dont hear praise like that often enough! Evidence in the Delphi, Indiana, double murder case was unsealed by a county court on Tuesday, revealing key new details, including that suspect Richard Allen's gun was linked to the crime scene. I think he videotaped this crime with the GoPro attached to his body. Timothy Holmes the of the pentagon pedophile task force has several mentions with proof of his research on the subject specific to Indiana. They were murdered in a very short window of time between 2:07 pm (when Libby posted a picture of Abby to Snapchat) and 3 pm (when other witnesses were in the area but heard no sounds). This ties in with one of the worst rumors of all, that one girl was stabbed her stomach/abdomen and she was partly disembowled. Quite possibly. Its a long post! Join the best Delphi sleuthing group of all! Another younger woman in her 30s (SPB) told a team member that the girls were spreadeagled. Something else I wonder about Early on in this investigation, Robert had photos of inside the old Mears barn that have since disappeared. However, those other suspects petered out. They were murdered when they fought back and set the killer(s) into a rage. Why on Earth would LE be looking for photos and video? It just so happened there were two people in the same area that were kidnapping and murdering more than one child at once. Sleep well. Both occurred on the 13th day of the month: Friday, July 13, 2012 and Monday, Feb 13, 2017. In addition, keep in mind that it is not just Leaker that is saying that Mr. X is the key suspect. There was not just one toy but actually many toys. He told them what he was doing and they didnt seem to care. 2/13: The Delphi Murders were committed on February 13, 2017. I truly wonder if this wasnt the intention of BG and his likely accomplice(s) and one or both girls put up such a fight that they were murdered in order to subdue them. We didnt doctor the photos as I myself dont even know how to work a graphics program. One more thing: Many Luciferians are avid church-goers. I have seen all of the LE pressers but I cant recall when and where they made the aforementioned comment advising the parents to be abreast of their childrens social contacts and internet musings. They had other suspects they were looking at for Evansdale. Female farmer, 20, who stuffed apples into her Tinder lover's car exhaust and scrawled profanity on his 'He has shown no remorse': Carrie Johnson says the early release of Joanna Simpson's killer BA pilot husband Schools in London, the South East and Wales to shut today as teachers stage THIRD day of strikes in blow to Putin 'is more furious than ever' over leaks claiming he lives in luxury mansion with his gymnast lover and Russia's troop death toll 'passes 150,000' with bodies of 'human wave' soldiers carried off battlefield Ukraine's first lady condemns Putin for 'mercilessly firing at civilians' as 'deliberate missile strike' on Model, 44, 'smuggled 5M in criminal cash into Dubai by hiding banknotes in suitcases on two flights from Paedophile's victim poses as a sex abuser online, befriends him and lures himinto admitting raping her: Boris Johnson 'could make first comments on Brexit deal TODAY' amid DUP meltdown with hardliners saying it Grinning and bearing it? We know that for some reason, LE was very interested in Nations, who had been committing crimes involving hatchets. If the new rumor is correct, then knives were plunged into trees at both crime scenes! They were not yet looking at a recovery or evidence-gathering stage until the next day. Ive never heard of LE doing anything like that before. As you will see below, LE now feels that BG also committed the Evansdale Murders. It also presents an attraction that is quite out of place in an Indiana woods in February. Theres no obligation. And the answer is yes. The MO of the Delphi Killer was much closer to the MO of the Evansdale killer, hence this is why LE now believe that BG killed the Evansdale girls too. Interesting post as always and I admit, I was wrong about Chadwell. If BG is Mr. X and was searching Ron Logans land at 5:30, that gives him two hours since the murders to change out of his bloody clothes, if he had them, into clean clothes two hours later. After viewing the video of BG again, I should correct myself and be more precise. Again, some dirty, dirty shit is going down in Delphi. Gematria is important to everything that luciferians do. Special Judge Frances Gull granted Delphi murder defendant Richard Allen's request for closed hearings in an order that made it clear that anyone leaking information from those . Doesnt that alleged white scarf leap off the screen like it has more mass than a scarf would normally have? However, LE sources close to the investigation that a former roommate of Mr. Xs who lived with him during 2011-2012, presumably during one of the periods when Mr. X was separated from his wife, went to LE with his suspicions that Mr. X was BG. 2012 and 2017 are not the same as 2021 or for that matter, how 2022 or 2025 will be. Indiana LE went all the way back to Colorado to talk to Colorado LE about this crime. It says that the killing of one girl was so severe that the blood splatter would have been so great as to leave him drenched in blood. Or can do so once I am up and running. The man who created these images actually works independently as a physicist. DELPHI, Ind. Committed suicide in Peru, IN. Are you a member of our sleuthing team on the private site? Required fields are marked *. Cleared. To answer your question of BG is Richard, then you answered your question. Good and bad, when people are motivated enough, they can do unbelievable things. Ok youre blocked. Of course, it could have been a location prepared long in advance with a toy or toys cached there. Nevertheless, Leaker is seriously harming his credibility by flaking like this, and we are not happy campers regarding this man. What I am curious of is if BG killed before Evansdale. In some stills of the video the items on his back appear to be plush toys. A change of clothes could easily be carried in this way, and the bloody clothes also disposed of after packing them out of the area upon departure. I just sent you a mail with the link and the password. I dont have any good data on that other than what DE said. Its quite isolated. Theres nothing there. Still, the voice of the suspected. In reading through the search warrants that were listed, one of the things they may have been looking for is footage from a trail cam, doorbell cam, wildlife cam, etc. Yes! They also have a satanic ritual calendar. Need to be delicate here but good friend of mine who the woman knows was following along this convo messaged me and said that none of that is true about the dolls and provided backup proof. However, Leaker has now come out and stated unequivocally that Mr. X is not the prime suspect. You should join the private group if you can afford it. A suspect vehicle was seen at the scene were the girls were abducted. The probable sighting of the perp leaving the area is curious because a murder like this is usually quite bloody. All planned out well in advance. I can send you a marked up screenshot. Im unsure about this element of the rumored crime scene. Allen. ', 'Something inside of me just says she was going to film that, come home and say look at this guy, he was acting really weird. I-65 will take you all the way down South to the Gulf Coast. Sleep well. No reason was ever given for the suicide. 2. Unlike any other sleuthers, we have determined the main suspects in the case, have a good idea of what happened during the crime and what the crime scene looked like, and have recently figured out the motive. I do not and never have believed that he killed the girls in the spot they were found. Remember when the FBI profile came out about BG? Based on the nature of Libbys wound, his clothes would have been covered with blood. There is now a rumor from JM above and now from a second source that a hatchet was used in the Delphi Murders. Have done so, and sent a note telling you where to email me, thanks kindly. I happen to think Leaker is credible and I think his leak may have been controlled by LE. An Indiana man who killed himself after a five-hour standoff with police is being investigated as a possible suspect in the unsolved 2017 double slaying of two young girls. People with access to that kind of info/knowledge or at least how to access that info if they arent local can only be a limited group. And they only started searching Rons property in the daytime right before they were found. Hes killing them with almost surgical precision. She may have hidden it in a tree. The 12 year old notified police quickly. A family member was on their w They didn't mention that Kline was already in custody and had admitted to using the account to lure other minors into sending him nude photographs. Quite possible. His attorney denied that he had any involvement. Not sure of his potential involvement, but many questions have been asked. Glad to see youre back. That way hes not breaking it. The reason we feel that way is a new completely unverified rumor about the Evansdale Murders that states that there was a knife in a tree at the Evansdale dump site. Remember, too, this is not flat terrain. Hoping he will show a pattern that gets this evil sick person away forever or death penalty. SPB told TMB that she is finally going public with what she saw at the scene because it has been eating away at her for several years, and she had to spill to get some relief. Im sorry! They torture them and drink their adrenochrome blood. They almost had to know what LE knew at the time and what they were/werent doing. Hundreds of investigators from across the state have been working around the clock for the last several weeks to find their killer. Hi Rambo. To further muddy the waters, the Reddit moderator you mention has said that Abigail survived the attack because the killer did not check to see that she was dead. Its like this question about Oh gee, I wonder what the motive for BG was here?. Are you serious? This dude straight up killed two teenage girls in broad daylight FFS. Very well-written and thought-out too! EXCLUSIVE: Distraught mother waited 27 hours after calling NHS 111 but still didn't get to speak to a doctor Jeremy Vine reveals his 'first collision of the year' and it's caused by a cyclist! Change clothes and stuff the bloody ones into the pack. Theres waaaay too many similarities between Evansdale and Delphi to just take anyone at their word on a because we said so basis at this point whether they are being entirely forthcoming or not. Here is his Facebook page. Oh well. Visitors Online 1,235 Visitors Online 1,235 Home. There are many deep underground military base tunnels leading from Indianapolis North. This would enable BG to walk across the creek without getting wet at all. They tried everything. But he is in a league of his own sick. Furthermore, there is a rumor that BG took photos or videos of the crime and sent them to Abbys cellphone soon after the crimes. Young girl committed suicide on bicycle bridge. Bevard is Mike Bevard friend of Cody Patty, Libbys stepbrother, who made himself very suspicious with some off-color Tweets these have been well-documented. Ill head for the other group and see what I can see. Hes not obviously wearing one. Also Mr. X could have just walked home. The person thought to have created that account is Kegan Kline; he is already in custody on child porn charges, and was free and living not far from Delphi when Abigail and Liberty were murdered. The Monon High Bridge trail attracts hunters, fishers, campers and kids hiking or just taking photos of the popular spot. Law enforcement will never say that any two cases are connected unless DNA or fingerprints are involved. Searching in the dark are very difficult. I suspected Michael Brevard too. Important clues can be easily missed and crime scenes unintentionally contaminated. Shortly after his arrest, I said I didnt believe it would be him because he didnt match the profile. Not sure where the sleuthing group is? The girls' families say they are desperate for the case to finally be brought to a close. He was arrested in 2017, ten days after the girls vanished, on separate child porn and child exploitation charges, but he has never before been linked to the Delphi murders. If the DE texts are legitimate, this contradicts them. Still think I am being trolled and fed false information? So he lured them there, then trapped them and killed them. Was also the last person Karenna McClerkin was seen with prior to her disappearance. Also the theory that a hatchet was used is still an unconfirmed rumor. Delphi Murders September 30, 2021: In Which The Major Outlines of the Case, Including the Principal Suspects, How It Was Carried Out, and the Motive Are All Revealed - Beyond Highbrow Robert Lindsay, Independent Journalist: l Talk about Things You're Not Supposed to Talk About Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ad2a48e6461110fb1797b8eb39c1967d" );document.getElementById("b83dbe3da2").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Let me know if you are interesting in joining the private sleuthing site. The vehicle was seen between the hours of Noon-5:00pm on February 13, 2017. In fact, we now believe that one of the girls was stalked via Snapchat for four months before the crime. Oh well. Leaks are spouting all over the place now. Thomas Bruce Missouri Catholic Supply Store rapist and killer. We have an official case document, a search warrant, and it states that right there where they are looking for blood-soaked clothes with bloodstains, visible and not visible, as it says. There are so many Luciferians. I can post a lot more stuff in there than I can post out here because I want to respect the (relative) anonymity of suspects. The comments below have not been moderated. Sound familiar? Pub puzzle depicting a 'common phrase' stumps thousands - before the What lack of sleep REALLY does to your face: Expert reveals the warning signs your skin is suffering. There are signs for both Myers Lake and Delphis trails in each town and I believe also from both highways or overpasses nearby. Catholics are forbidden to join the Freemasons for these reasons. So theres your answer. LE feels that the girls were marched down from the Robinsons to the kill site where they were killed. I also believe that he is smack dab in the middle of the investigation and that is why it has gone nowhere and there has been a lot of misinformation spread about this case. Its an old rumor about Abby surviving a long time and trying to crawl away. Tracking down every number in a given time frame, probably months, may not be possible. This argument is laid out by the moderator of the Libby and Abby Reddit group. They use these Satanic ritual sacrifices to Lucifer as initiations and in their worship ceremonies. On Feb. 13, 2017, the two best ! In the most recent posts Ive written ~165 pages on this crime. Both crimes occurred in daylight hours (afternoon). 'Instagram and catfishing has been a problem for me since the start, these social media platforms do nothing to stop that type of thing from happening unfortunately,' the 25-year-old told DailyMail.com in December. Our current theory is that the girls went there that day to meet the catfish boy at a certain particular time and place. 2-13, 2:13: The girls were abducted at precisely 2:13 PM. We believe the officer worked with the Police Rangers young people group. Richard Allen, 50, is charged with two counts of murder in the 2017 deaths of 13-year-old Abby Williams and 14-year-old Libby German in Delphi, Indiana. They just arent talking out of fear or blackmail or something along those lines. The information about the fake Instagram account led to 'a tremendous number of leads' but police still have not made any arrests, Kegan Kline, 27, is the real person behind anthony_shots, according to cops. How in the world could that be accomplished?unless it was two killers? You see that gigantic stuffed bear in that photograph? 2-13: Two girls were abducted; one of them was 13 years old, the other but a year older. She is a woman in her mid-60s. You are also helping to fund the site. That is the mark of the Devil. Allen, who is also known as Ricky Allen and Rick Allen, is 50 years old and lives in Delphi, about five minutes from the murder scene. No one else has come close to uncovering the amount and quality of information we have. Delphi, Indiana, police have been notoriously tight-lipped about the killings of 14-year-old Libby German and 13-year-old Abby Williams since the first news conference after the girls were found dead in February 2017. The girls hand had been wrapped around the handle of the plunged knife to make it appear that the girl had plunged the knife herself into what we now believe is the log. Thanks for reading these gruesome questionsheartbreaking. 'This guy could strike again. I will get a notice from PayPal. The remains had been somewhat shrouded in an isolated area of the park where foot traffic wasnt a huge concern; in fact, investigators stated that the remains were placed in a location that someone would have had to have almost been on top of to notice. The Delphi Police Department, the Carroll County Sheriff, the Indiana State Police, and the FBI are asking for your assistance in identifying the suspect in the double homicide of two teenage girls, Abigail J. I would be in charge of a team of detectives responsible for investigating murder and suspicious deaths, and when we in the U.K. refer to there being two separate crime scenes, generally (albeit not in all cases), this refers to the death site as in where the murder was committed and the deposition site as in where the bodies were taken to and deposited after their death, as per our Murder Investigation Manual. Two men believed because two adult and separate footprints found, but none for the girls? forgive these odd questions? Some are even visible in the video of BG just over his left and right shoulders. (. Not sure if hes involved, but some very interesting rumors are out there! A woman on the south side earlier in the day. How about this. The crime scene begins at the Robinsons backyard (find it on a map near the dump site) and goes the length of a football field or 300 feet. Chadwell is not considered a suspect in the Delphi Murders. Three separate witnesses had seen this vehicle on Arbutus Avenue at around the time the girls went missing which is located just next to Lake Avenue (where the girls had last been seen) as well as next to Meyers Lake (where their bikes were found). Would be more precise up and running young people group mayors,,! Before they were carrying her, her head was not just Leaker that is saying Mr.! This guy is like a hungry anaconda about to strike 8 to 14 year old girls at any time now... A hungry anaconda about to strike 8 to 14 year old girls at any time that gets this sick. 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University Of Houston Police Academy, Wyoming Accident Yesterday, Articles D