This is what our doctor suggested when we started it, but Id double check with your pediatrician. I, also, have a 10 daughter with autism and language processing issues. . 4.9 30 product ratings. My name is Deborah and I have a 15 years old son that has Perisylvian Syndrome. Her group also recommends a small amount of omega 6 (GLA) 70mg. Balanced Essentials with 94 Vital Nutrients:13 High Quality Vitamins, 62 Minerals, 10 Phytonutrient Rich . Hi Maria, . Great for individuals who cannot swallow tablets or capsules. Thank you. I wanted to try it with my daughters too. Good Luck! There is a wealth of reviews and testimonials that potential users can read in advance that can be found on the company's website. Youll need to ask a doctor. I also give this to my other children because of the benefits of all the vitamin. Can i use the NN complete, ultimate or PRO EFA. Swimming is one of the best exercise for them. I feel like the supplements have been one of the best things we have done to help him. I hope this will work for him. The Phoscol is about $100 for the 8 oz. Its hard to go public with the supplements we give our kids, and this is so helpful to read. Did you give anything else to your son on the side? His speech picked up immediately. Hi Becky! He will say a word here and there but nothing consistent. He was not yet 2 (11 months) I did some reading and came across an article that recommended this product. 91 Comments, Thatcher is doing well. Im a dietitian and interested in alternative health practices. Minerals perform various important functions including keeping your bones, muscles, heart, and brain working properly. She has a rare disease. He is 9 now and doing much better then I could have imagined those first couple years after his diagnosis. Weve been using the Nordic Naturals/Vita E combo. Most of the tummies and things have very little in them, I found we had to order liquid to get the amounts in a smaller dose. I have a 3 year old son that is very picky but will take this with milk. Thank you and bless you!!! Do you have any suggestions for it? Really! This liquid nutritional supplement is designed to replace outdated supplementation programs that include up to 5-10 pills a day by leveraging the nutrients in their most bioavailable form. I am a bit concerned about the high levels of supplements. The important things that it has in it are the Omegas and the Vitamin e. I stopped giving it to my son, because he is really big for his age and with the large does I was worried about the extra calories he was getting from it. I am not a doctor so of course he best thing to do would be to check with your doctor, but if it were me I would take fish oil, phoscol and vitamin e, making sure that the fish oil had high epa and dha omega 3s. my son is 4 year he can say some words not sentencess and he wiil turn 5 november. Hi Moira, Sorry for the late reply! Hi Its really great, and it helps, because shes finicky and she gets her nutrients now. Hi Sophie, The one that I have pictured in the post is the one that Kelly recommended to me when I met her at a seminar. Requesting to please guide me with the dosage. (Again, his body rejected EVERY food and drink for years. Can you recommend which is the best with the correct dosage of EPA and DHA. Im not sure- we buy it from Amazon (I just ordered a new bottle last night) , Becky, thanks for the info. Hi Maria, I recently checked on Amazon and the phoschol is $99 for a bottle. I have a Late Talker with Apraxia and SPD and Ive been giving Omega 3s (Nordic Naturals EPA/EFAs) and Magnesium, a probiotic and a multi-vitamin. To filling in more of the blanks. Our liquid vitamin delivers vital nutrients, replacing outdated supplementation products such as gummies and chewables., that often contain too much sugar. I have added vitamin e and phoscol within the last week after reading your blog and Kellys book and it is as if his brain has lit up. Seeking Health has an Optimal PC product that is sunflower based. People always says its a marathon not a sprint. Hi.after searchinh by google supplement for speech delay.i came across reading your blog.thanks so much..and now i hv bought the supplement.and thanks god i can see the improvement within a week.i almost cry when i saw my 3y son ask for a noodle..for many years he refused to eat and hv some speech delay.. Why did the doc think it would help He is two and has a hard time putting words together to make a phrase or a sentence. Hello, my son is refusing to eat the balanced essentials.. Do you think it would be ok to mix it with some juice? Its killing me to work with him on these, but I know in a few months or a year he will all of the sudden have it if we keep it up even though it seems pointless right now. Balanced Essentials with 94 Vital Nutrients:13 High Quality Vitamins, 62 Minerals, 10 Phytonutrient Rich Plants.Buy Balanced Essential Multivitamin 32 oz Liquid & other Multivitamins Supplements. Aww- thats awesome. Verified Purchase This is very helpful. Hi, how old was your son when you gave him the Balance Essential? After 2 weeks of taking it I was surprised of the results. After reading your article i ordered mine . I just have my kids chew them. Thanks for this post and thanks for continually responding and sharing the progress you have had with your son. Your email address will not be published. We noticed a huge difference with speech by adding vitamin e. Thanks! My son has severe apraxia as well, and we have yet to see improvements with other supplements, so I am looking to start this combo you mention. I bought these vitamins for my 3 year old son. The phoscol is disgusting. I am wondering if he will need to take these supplements for the rest of his life? I am a teacher turned play therapist and stay at home Mom. My son was just diagnosed with apraxia around his 2nd birthday and Ive just started reading up on DHA & EPA and its effects. He eats well, sleeps well, very well behaved. I dont. So, when our son was going down-hill, due to his poor nutrition (he could not tolerate any food and his body literally resisted it- see that story here), started having sensory issues and had a speech delay, he told us to try this vitamin supplement: Balanced Essentials. He has speech therapy once a week so I dont know if its been this product, the therapy or the combination of both. 26. I'd like to receive the free email course. found it for him lol. Do you give your child 1 oz per day? It is a little pricey (especially Speak Smooth) but it has been so worth it to us. Thanks! Thank you!! Can I give this to my two year old son? Heaven Sent - Wellgenix Balanced Essentials Liquid Vitamin Very Berry - 32 fl. These gummies are a delicious, convenient way to include superfruits, essential nutrients, and collagen-enhancing ingredients into your daily routine. I am also thinking of adding phos col. What gains should I see with it. Hey! Can we get in touch through whats app. However I feel he is stuttering a lot. . Im going to buy him the Phoscol today, I have not introduced that yet! I hope that you are able to give these supplements a try and that it will make a big difference for your son. Yes it worked for us! My son weighs 90 lbs and I give him about 1/2 to 3/4 tsp of the Phoscol and 1 1/2 tsp of the Nordic Naturals strawberry flavored fish oil, but I started with 1 tsp of the fish oil and added on the other 1/2 tsp over a period of two weeksgradually adding 1/4 tsp. We have a 2.5yr old little guy who is sharp as a whippet but has an expressive language delay. I understand it can be hard to know what to do when it seems like everything you read has different dos and do nots. It has been fantastic for him and for all of our kids. I would suggest adding in as many fruits & vegetables as possible. Same question for vit E, Your email address will not be published. This Balanced Essesntials has: Good day! Any recommended combinations? Hi Alex. did it work? As long as he ate the entire smoothie it should be fine. I have order it a month ago and today I have receive it. Hello! This is not the first place Ive read about how this combo is a game changer and I want to start them as soon as possible. 5. Did you notice your kids getting hyper after taking? The kids line up to take it our two year old calls it his Spidermans (Too hard to say Vitamins, I guess! An ounce seems like way too much! He is saying daddy now and tries to say the whole alphabet (in his own way) A, ba, ca, D, Ewhen he tries to say heart or horse, he says Haaaa. I have read kelly dorfmans book and have thus started my 3 year old daughter with speech apraxia and SPD on Nordic naturals fish oil pills but I am thinking of switching to speak smooth. Does this work from 13 year old boy who has only few words? Couldnt be farther from my belief. I really cant believe how far he has come. I am 54 year old man having a stroke 4 years ago. Are you still using this vitamin? My son is allergic to dairy but has a speech delay (hes 2). I will update in a month when hes been taking it longer. That is so true. Can you please inform me on what am I missing? He is doing great. (the first ridge in the cap). Does that make sense? They do use a specific ratio of epa/dha 700/300. We didnt know about the benefits of these supplements and start them with our son until he was four. He does not have apraxia of speech. I read the ingredients and felt okay abut giving it to him. Combined with speech therapy the supplements made a big difference for our son. He is 12 and weighs about 130lbs. I just give it to our kids once a day (still its been several years), but Id suggest checking with your doctor. Hi Maria, Your email address will not be published. Is your son getting better from the beginning after using this supplement . All three supplements are important in strengthening the motor planning pathways in the brain. We decided to use supplements after reading Whats Eating Your Child, by Kelly Dorfman (a friend recommended it to me) and attending a seminar Kelly Dormfan gave. We use it for our two year old son. They love the taste making it easy to give them and they just seem to be happier and healthier since theyve started taking it. My online research hasnt provided any solid answers and my childs doctor knows very little about these supplements. Do you do this once per day? NOW , Source Naturals, and other vitamin companies sell it Amazon,PuritansPride, etc. Do you have any tips for getting young children to swallow Vitamin E capsules, or do you just empty the contents yourself. I purchased this product after reading reviews from other mom's who had children with speech apraxia. Im sorry I cant make that kind of suggestion. Do you think it would lessen the affects? This Balanced Essesntials has: 94 Vital Nutrients 12 Natural Vitamins 17 Amino Acids Omega 3,6,9 62 Major & Trace Minerals 10 Phytonutrient Rich Plants I give it to all of our kids now (he told us to do 1 ounce a day per child, but please follow the directions on the bottle & check with your pediatrian first). A month on them and his vocabulary has just been growing so much. I try to heat 1000mg of combined dha and epa for my son and I give him 400 iu of vitamin e. Hi Maria Mam,my son is 13 years,ASD,non verbal. Hi my son is 2 and quite underweight for his age. Hopefully we just keep on trucking along! I am the wife to Mickey & the mom to four little blessings! Balanced Essentials uses only the highest quality ingredients to ensure your body receives the nutrients the way nature intended and with the highest absorption rates. I cant wait to start these vitamins.. My daughter is excited too ? When we first started the supplements we were using speak which had the vitamin e in it already. I wish it wasnt so expensive. 17 Amino Acids My daughter is only 25 lbs (age 3), Lisa Geng of the Cherub Foundation says the ratio of of omegas should be 695 epa and 280 dha. Capsule and tablet vitamins are packed with inert filler material called "excipients." If you are concerned about the High Vitamin e you may want to talk to your pediatrician or switch to using separate fish oil and vitamin e instead of the speak smooth. Hi maria I saw the article my son also 5 with speech apraixa. , I read your blog some time last year and it had much more information to it like the other vitamin chewables you suggest, but now its not seeable. I really cant believe the improvement we have seen. My son is also 5 but he weighs 90 lbs. I see a lot of negative feedback about SPEAK, but i think i just decided to keep him on it. What dosage and supplements would you recommend for a 2 year old? I am not sure if it will affect epilepsy negatively, I would check with her doctor before giving it to her. The only way to achieve that balance is through diet or supplementation. Do I just follow the directions on the bottles?? thank you!!! Can you clarify the dosages you are giving for me? Most parents squeeze the oil out of the capsule anyway -so if anything a larger capsule would be easier for a child. and whats the reason you switched to the other stuff likw vitamin e etc?? G Goli Nutrition Math College Keep trucking along. Content and photographs are copyright protected. I will start using it starting tomorrow and Finger Crossed that it will give my son the boast he needs. // ]]> Apraxia Apraxia Supplements, Dyspraxia Diet, Speech Delay Supplements 125 Comments. Hi Maria, However, when we first started the supplements I gave him half of his dose of fish oil (We were using Speak Smooth at the time) in the morning half in the afternoon for a few weeks per the instructions that came with the Speak Smooth. I would check with a doctor or pharmacist and get their opinion. What would the dosages be for child that weighs 95 lbs? How long does a child have to be on this combo? Liz. Amount: 1 units 2 units 3 units I love to share my organization tips, kid ideas, money-saving tips and recipes with you. I still give my son vitamin e, phoscol and fish oil everyday as part of his vitamin routine. [CDATA[ I just squish the vitamin e into his spoon of fish oil or into applesauce. Hello maria ! Hi Jeannette, I haven not heard of melaleuca vitality cream. Hi Maria. Thank you and best regards, I would check with your pediatrician. He has been improving his speech noticeably since taking this product. Thanks for all the info! I am posting about it here for anyone else who may be looking for information on supplements for children with apraxia. We have been blessed and incredibly grateful for the Speech Therapists that have worked with our son. It does not have phoscol in it. Is it indefinite? But for the most part people can understand about 80 percent of what he says. He LOVED the taste of the Speak Smooth (It taste sort of like an orange creamsicle) but Thatcher is a big boy (90 lb 5 year old) and the amount of Speak he needed everyday was an extra 100+ calories that we didnt think we could justify when he could get the same supplement (just not as tasty) with the liquid strawberry flavored Nordic Naturals, which has very few calories. Shall we increase the dose of Speak Smooth? I am slowing going to introduce vitamin e (starting with 200 IU) and Phoscol over the next few weeks and I am excited to see how this improves his speech. So lots of dry crunchy snacks with milk. Balanced Essentials Kids is the most complete multivitamin available for children today. He got his hearing aids a few months ago. I started him on the proepa/proefa combination suggested by the cherab foundation and we have seen gains. Are you still giving the supplements? I pour it onto a teaspoon so it fluctuates. Yes, it is safe. Crossing my fingers. oz. Thank you. They have really helped both of my sons. am looking through your previous comments How much vitamin E do you give your child? But he doesnt look he dont eat, but I should know. ), It took about four or five weeks for us to start seeing what a difference the supplements were making, so if you dont see it right at first dont give up! Fish oil supplements may also be combined with vitamins and minerals that can help improve your toddler's developmental skills. I would like to try the Nordic Naturals fish oil with her. Balanced Essentials is the most innovative and complete nutritional supplement. I will give you an update after a month when i see results. hi becky did it take your sons sensory issues away for good what type of sensory did he have thankyou. The phos col is just one more element that strengthens the pathways in the brain. Thanks again for sharing your experience.Really helful, I am so grateful to have stumbked across your page. tx. My dd is 22 months and just says about 2 words. Ive just forwarded this onto a My daughter is 3 and has some expressive and receptive speech delays. Good luck. You can shop it thru shopee. Buy Balanced Essential Multivitamin 32 oz Liquid & other Multivitamins Supplements. I am eager to try this with our 3 year old son. Hi Amanda, Yes we have been doing supplements for almost three years now. Juicing can get expensive, but it is a quick way to get spinach and other fruits and vegetables into our kids. I ordered the Phoscol from //
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