list of discworld characters

The contents of the History Monks page were merged into List of Discworld characters. He meets Rincewind in Bel Shamharoth's lair, and aids his escape. . Carcer's full name was shown in a preview of Night Watch to be Carcer Dun, but this was never revealed in the completed book. Ron's smell has become strong enough to not only melt earwax but to acquire a separate existence. These tend to be rather common inert items such as chalk, pickles and corned-beef sandwiches. The man who introduced the world to the concept of "wholesale" destruction, Cohen is the Discworld's greatest warrior hero, renowned across the Disc for his exploits rescuing maidens, destroying the mad high priests of dark cults, looting ancient ruins, and so on. He finds a tortoise in his melon patch which is actually the great God Om afflicted with temporary amnesia which rescinds in the presence of Brutha. [2] Somebody apparently wants him dead, as the price on his head at The Assassins' Guild is $132,000. Samuel Vimes considered him a saint as, without Sonky, the housing problems in Ankh-Morpork, as well as its population of idiots and criminals would be even more pressing. In 2004 BBC Radio 4 adapted Mort, with the title character voiced by Carl Prekopp and Ysabell being voiced by Clare Corbett. He had trained in Klatch, where he had learnt techniques other Morporkian surgeons distrusted, but which kept patients alive for longer than it took to pay the bill. He also appears in the Discworld computer game. Tawneee (pronounced with each "e" as a separate syllable) is an exotic dancer, introduced in Thud! The two authors have collaborated before in Good Omens, and sometimes make reference to each other's works. He was killed in The Fifth Elephant, after having helped produce the replica of the Scone of Stone. For further Discworld character biographies, see the table below. Brutha was an Ommnian novice in Small Gods. Lawn is based on an actual retired GP of the same name based in West Yorkshire. During the last years of his reign, he was extremely paranoid, albeit with good reason. (In Cockney rhyming slang, the expected derivation would be "syrup of figs.") The D'regs are a nomadic and warlike people who inhabit the desert regions of hubward Klatch, in particular the lawless borderlands between Klatch proper and Hersheba. Perhaps my favourite book. Stars: Jane Horrocks, June Whitfield, Annette Crosbie, Eleanor Bron. In a similar vein, she, against her own better judgement, allows herself to be swept off her feet by an unlikely romance with a savant orc, Mr. Nutt, and eventually goes on an adventure with him into Uberwald. Swing always carries with him a large set of calipers and a steel ruler, with which he measures the facial characteristics of people he meets in order to determine their personal traits (phrenology). He is ridiculously brave, often simply charging while the weapons just miss him, every time. Universally known as Doughnut Jimmy, Dr James Folsom is a highly proficient horse doctor who was brought in, under threat of blackmail from Samuel Vimes, to treat Vetinari in Feet of Clay; this rather odd choice being the result of Vimes' knowledge that any human doctor would be contracted to guilds (who all resent Vetinari to varying degrees) and that horse doctors, treating animals worth considerable amounts of money, faced considerable amounts of trouble should their patients die. In Raising Steam, he develops a childlike interest in the newly-emergent railway, wishing to spend more time aboard Iron Girder, the Discworld's first steam locomotive. Blouse's ambition is to have an item of clothing or a food named after him, in the manner of many famous military men. However, unlike Susan, who is mostly human, Lobsang is "mostly not" humanhe has the mindset and "infuriating smile" of a God, and thinks in 18 dimensionshe claims that even seeing in only 4 is hard, making it difficult to maintain corporeal form. Liessa's plan was to use Hrun to wrest the rulership of the Wyrmberg from her rival brothers and then become queen, Hrun's payment being her hand in marriage. In Going Postal she wears a wedding ring and is assumed to be married, presumably to William de Worde, although she still refers to herself as Miss Cripslock. In Thief of Time it turns out that this was started by Lu-Tze, who spent some time lodging with her, and has a much better understanding of the Way of Mrs Cosmopilite than the monks who followed; he wrote down many of her sayings as guides by which to live his life. Omnia is an autocratic theocracy that believes in one God named Om. Groat does not trust doctors, which is perfectly understandable since there are very few reliable doctors in Ankh-Morpork. 1.1 Main continent; 1.2 Klatch (continent) 1.3 Counterweight Continent; 1.4 XXXX; 1.5 Sunken Continent of Ku; 1.6 Miscellaneous Islands; 2 Associated Dimensions; The Discworld Main continent. Reluctant to tell his master about his gaffe, Mort tries various unsuccessful methods to fix the situation. After having an iconograph taken of him by Otto Chriek using dark light (light on the opposite side of darkness), Mr Pin experiences guilt and extreme paranoia for the various crimes committed by the New Firm. Discworld is a point-and-click adventure game, developed by Teeny Weeny Games and Perfect 10 Productions, and based upon Terry Pratchett 's novels of the same name. Mr Goatberger knows his readership well, and prints his Almanacks on thin paper, as many families use previous editions in their privies. Snippets of Tacticus' advice turns up in various Discworld chronicles, and it can be gathered that he was a very realistic, down-to-earth general. "Hello, my name is HodgesARRRRRGH"). The 'Canting Crew' is an informal name for a group of Ankh-Morpork beggars who are too anarchic for the Beggars' Guild, which has a tendency to constrain them with rules. He has been pictured with a lantern though blind and is looking for an "honest man". He is possibly inspired in part by John Major who was born the son of a music hall performer, but left to join a bank, eventually becoming Prime Minister of the UK 1990-1997. After previous experience with Nanny Ogg's writing he is anxious to avoid innuendo, but is not entirely successful. In Carpe Jugulum they have a daughter; Princess Esmerelda Margaret Note Spelling of Lancre. Because their code demands it, assassins have to tell their victim their name and who sent themVetinari answered "think of me as your future" and "the city" respectively (indicating that Vetinari already planned to become Patrician some day). Johnson achieves the same effect through unforeseen side effects of devices invented for other purposes, and in the process creates some of the Disc's most impressive, dangerous, and unusual works of architecture, art, and engineering. He also gave Tiffany a box of watercolors, one of which was turquoise, allegedly very expensive on the Discworld. Tacticus therefore declared war on Ankh-Morpork, which (it is implied) was the reason why Ankh-Morpork lost its large empire. ), see the articles for those races. Although one of the most popular philosophers of all time, Didactylos never earns the respect of his fellow philosophers, due to the fact that he thinks 'about the wrong things'. Despite her profession, she is as humble as a caterpillar, and has about as much brains. Hrun accepts and succeeds in carrying out her orders, but refuses to definitely kill her siblings. This list consists of human characters. Ironically, despite his rather feminine manner and distinct lack of martial prowess (the expression "a big girl's blouse" is British slang for a wimp), he turns out to be one of the few characters in the novel who is genuinely male. He often runs into danger, being certain that nothing bad will happen to him since he is not involved. In self-imposed exile from his background of wealthy nobility, especially his father Lord de Worde, William works hard (and with varying degrees of success) to cast off the influence of his father, Lord de Worde, an arrogant speciesist,[11] The early books feature a different cast of University staff each time, but arounf Guards Guards (or thereabouts) he settles down on a bunch of regulars. He is obsessed with making money from the Opera and is horrified to learn how expensive seemingly trivial items (such as ballet shoes and musical instruments) can be. Lord Snapcase was succeeded by Lord Havelock Vetinari. A former jockey, he won a lot of money by not winning races. He performed all around the world, before hanging up his clowning shoes to concentrate on writing. Roland fought back as far as he could, in the process learning a great deal about surviving sieges and the art of insurgency. From her mother, she inherited gold-tinged skin, white-blond hair, a voice that can make "Good morning" sound like an invitation to bed, and a very good figure. Somewhat eclectically attractive, she possesses at least two features that would have made various artists from various times in history bite their easels in twoalthough, it must be said, that having a nose that would appeal to Rembrandt and a neck that would inspire Pablo Picasso does not, in and of itself, guarantee that the whole succeeds as a work of art. The few times he's actually acquired real narcotics, they have been suitable only for trolls. His cosmopolitan nature clashed with the hidebound traditions of the kingdom and the even more hidebound high priest Dios, and after saving Djelibeybi from destruction and shaking up its traditions, he abdicated, leaving the throne to his half-sister Ptraci I. Under his management, the clacks network became more profitable, but less reliable. As the new owners did not really understand the clacks the way the previous management had, they worked it until it broke. A rather effeminate aristocrat, he previously worked in the Quartermaster-General's Blanket, Bedding and Horse Fodder Department as an administrator, and had no previous experience of field command, his transfer being the result of Borogravia's ever decreasing supply of combat-ready men. He was a hero of the Tsortean Wars, which he ended by bribing a cleaner to show him a secret passage into the citadel of Tsort. Verence II is a very well-meaning king, who takes running a kingdom very seriously (he takes most things seriously, having learnt at a very early age that being a Fool was no laughing matter), but things seldom turn out the way he might want. Guards!. Lewton met and fell in love with a female archaeologist named Ilsa and seemed to have a happy life; a particular moment fondly remembered was the Hotel Pseudopolis. He appears in Going Postal, although the stable had previously appeared in The Truth. We are a fully-featured and well-established MUD with . Bergholdt Stuttley 'Bloody Stupid' Johnson is an inept engineer and landscape artist, famous the Disc over for a single-minded approach to his crafts that can best be described as 'demented'. He became a Private Investigator. It is possible that Mr Pin and Mr Tulip are taken as analogues of the Marvel Comics characters, the Kingpin and the Rose, organised crime figures. Lewton appears in the third Discworld computer game, Discworld Noir. Stanley's surname was not revealed in the book, but is given in various peripheral material relating to Discworld stamps. Classic Edd Matt Bendee Ku Klux Klan Dr. Decapi Ringo Tom Tord Santa Claus Kim and Katya Paul Zombehs Ash Williams . Small Gods is always the book I recommend to people as their first foray into the Discworld. Reacher Gilt appears in the novel Going Postal. Contents. Throughout the first two novels, he is followed by the Luggage, a homicidally vicious travel chest which moves on hundreds of little legs, carrying his belongings. A chorus singer at the Ankh-Morpork Opera House, Christine is a pretty, thin blonde with a tendency to wear white and use exclamation marks at the end of every sentence. A past Patrician of Ankh-Morpork referred to in The Light Fantastic, Olaf Quimby was noted for his interest in honest and accurate descriptions as well as proper standards for everything, particularly metaphor. List of Discworld characters - Wikipedia Create account Contents hide (Top) 71-Hour Ahmed Adora Belle Dearheart Bloody Stupid Johnson Brutha Canting Crew Carcer Christine Cohen the Barbarian Conina Corporal Strappi Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler Daniel "One Drop" Trooper Didactylos Doctor Cruces Doughnut Jimmy D'regs Drum Billet Edward d'Eath "The Bursar" is one of these; I'm not sure if he's ever given a name. At the end of the book Verence I's hidden heir, Tomjon, rejects the throne. In his memory, it was amended to read: "The pen is mightier than the sword only if the sword is very small and the pen is very sharp". Like her half-brother she is keen to get in some decent plumbing. Rate. His "sonkies" (condoms), as they are generally known, sell for a penny a packet. In Soul Music he is possessed by "Music with Rocks in" and becomes the Disc's greatest musician under the name Buddy in the Band with Rocks In along with Cliff and Glod, before dying in a cart crash (a reference to Buddy HollyImp's name translates as "bud of the holly". When confronting the heads of the Borogravian army, Jackrum reveals (after asking the other two-thirds to depart the room) that almost a third of the commanders are women, whom he uncovered during his time in the army, something that became something of a hobby for the sergeant. Provided with a 30mm premium plastic round base. Figurines & Replicas. Upon nearing the Wyrmberg of the Dragonriders, he is captured by the curvaceous Liessa Dragonbidder and her dragon riders. He only had a sword theatrically thrust under his armpit, but, according to the witches present, failed to notice this. He is first seen as the overly thoughtful son of a farmer in the Octarine Grass Country, near the Ramtops. His name is a play on Johann Gutenberg, with his first initials apparently derived from a phrase referring to Jesus Christ. As far as standardization was concerned, Quimby instituted the Ankh-Morpork Bureau of Measurements, in which is kept the standardized Blunt Stick (originally a Sharp one was on display as well, but very few things were found worse than a poke in the eye with it), the recipe for the Pie that It May be As Nice As, Two Short Planks and the stone used in the original Moss-Gathering Trials. Verence was voiced by Andrew Branch in the BBC Radio 4 adaptation of Wyrd Sisters, and by Les Dennis in the Cosgrove Hall animation. During her encounter with Rincewind (see below), her behaviour is sufficiently flamboyant as to cause him to believe she is "bonkers". Following a confrontation with the City Watch, he was killed by a metaphor, or possibly the ground, after then-Constable Carrot Ironfoundersson literally "threw the book at him" and sent him stumbling past a missing wall on an upper floor of the Patrician's palace and down to the floor below. Hrun owns a magic talking sword, Kring, which he stole following a battle, and lived to greatly regret it due to the sword's talkativeness. ), see the articles for those races. It is assumed that this means he is the son of the elder Fool's wife and Verence I, and he is duly crowned Verence II. He has a habitual cough, hence his name, the result of his continuous smoking habit, again, hence his name. Lu-Tze theorised that time's hold on him was "loose", for example, Lobsang could demonstrate a negative reaction timemoving towards something before it starts moving, though this theory eventually proved to be wrong. Ironically, Jackrum turns out to be a woman as well, having joined the army in her youth along with her lover, who died in battle, leaving the young Jackrum pregnant, something that she covered up by taking her considerable accumulated leave. Raised by peas (no further explanation is given), Stanley has a tendency towards obsessive behaviour, coupled with violent incidents (his 'little moments') when under stress. Rosemary Palm is similar to real-life brothel owner, Lou Graham, whose employees were officially accredited as "Seamstresses". Another notable fact is that his catchphrase (minus "buggrit") is also used by Mrs Tachyon, a character in the Johnny Maxwell series, also by Pratchett. Books published by his company include The Joye of Snacks by A Lancre Witch and the Ankh-Morpork Almanack. Using the name Delores De Syn, she starred in several movies with Victor Tugelbend, usually as the maiden to be rescued. He appears to be an homage to the famous cynic, Diogenes, who was similarly disliked by his contemporaries for focusing on the 'wrong questions'. However, Mr Slant has also been involved in more sinister affairs. He appeared in Eric and is briefly mentioned in Pyramids. In Going Postal, Groat tells Moist von Liping about his hair that, "It's all mine, you know, not a prunes". The Djelibeybian priests thought she would be easy to control. A doctor in Ankh-Morpork. Initially cautious, she eventually relents and allows Juliet follow her dream. In addition to the standard loincloth, Nijel wears woolen long underwearhis mother insisted. It has been suggested that by Going Postal he may have married his friend and editor, Sacharissa Cripslock. She rarely pays attention to anyone but herself. In Lords and Ladies Verence and Magrat finally marry. Convinced of the fellow barbarian's agility, she tells him that he may marry her if he defeats her brothers. This failed and he found himself personal assistant to the Dragon King in Guards! Her name is a play on the saying "a date with Rosie Palms," a slang term for masturbation. Mort is included in Wayne Barlowe's Barlowe's Guide to Fantasy. The Dark Side of the Sun. His name originates from his catchphrase ' and at that price, I'm cutting me own throat.' Both men can become violent, but Mr Pin's violence is more directed and instrumental. They subsequently meet their end after a freak accident sends their carriage plunging into a ravine, as revealed in Soul Music. Characters are listed alphabetically by name. His one recorded act (The Colour of Magic) was to direct the Assassins' Guild to 'inhume' the tourist Twoflower at the request of the Grand Vizier of the Agatean Empire, contrary to the orders of the Emperor; the attempt failed. But Hrun does not need to be angry for long: when Twoflower faints, his dragon, having existed only through his willpower, disappears, causing all three passengers to fall through the air. She is correct about the inhuman monsters and the dwarfs (although she is never told about the first one and the second is "only by coincidence"). A member noted for being completely legless. and bully, who goes so far as to leave the city and live in the countryside to avoid contact with these "lesser races". Jackrum trains Polly Perks and gradually earns the respect of all the recruits. When Brutha, Eighth Prophet and Prophet of Prophets, dies after a hundred years in power, he encounters a catatonic Vorbis in the ethereal desert; taking pity on him, he guides him through the desert to face judgement. She gave him the Mundy Case and although Lewton did not know it, she used him as a puppet in order to find Mundy (of whom she said was her lover but he was really an informant for her cult). Ysabell first appeared in The Light Fantastic, where she met Rincewind, and was surprised to learn that he was not actually dead. Featuring in Unseen Academicals, Stollop is a stunningly beautiful and utterly empty-headed girl who becomes a society sensation overnight when offered the possibility to become a supermodel. Tawneee is, in fact, merely her stage name; her real name is Betty. He reveals that when he was a puppy, he was placed into a sack with a brick (which he thought was his mother) and thrown into the River Ankh (which, due to its unwater-like qualities allowed him to chew through the sack and escape). After the time crash he goes out into the world to stop the second Glass Clock (under the pretext of being shown the Way of Mrs Cosmopilite), which was being constructed by his then unknown temporal double, Jeremy Clockson. In Raising Steam, Adora and Moist are married and living in Scoone Avenue, Ankh. He also has a superstition that those who die while holding a potato will be reincarnated. In Snuff, he is portrayed as an elderly man in a wheelchair, with a sunken look. His most distinguishing feature, however, is his smilehis unique dentures are made out of troll teeth, which consist of pure diamond and were inspired when Twoflower showed him his own (more typical) set. When Duke Felmet murders King Verence and takes over the small country of Lancre on the Discworld, three witches are involuntarily tasked with protecting the king's baby son. The wizard Rincewind had a theory that equivalents of Dibbler are everywhere. The Ankh-Morpork official Hangman and executioner, possibly its Chief Executioner, although others have not been specifically mentioned. Evil Harry Dread is the villainous counterpart to Cohen the Barbarian; an old fashioned heroic fantasy type annoyed with how the Discworld has changed (nowadays, modern heroes always block his escape tunnel before confronting him). The only one mentioned by name in the novels is Conina, who appears in Sourcery. This state of affairs might not have continued long if the Luggage had not intervened. During his reign, he was considered "eccentric" rather than mad by the upper classes, but he is now known by most Morporkians, including the nobles, as the Mad Lord. However, he rarely got any cases. This was intended to be a sort of retirement plan, but Cohen and his chums became bored and then abandoned the Empire in The Last Hero, in which Cohen decides to express his displeasure with the modern world by "returning fire to the gods, with interest". His name and character are an obvious echo of Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian and Genghis Khan, and of the common Jewish surname Cohen. Cohen does not know how old he is exactly. The daughter of Baron Saturday of Genua and Mrs Erzulie Gogol. Lu-Tze first appeared in the novel Small Gods as a minor character described as follows. He is also known for having undergone a long and perilous journey home after the war, much like his Roundworld equivalent. There are signs that his feelings for Tiffany extend somewhat beyond gratitude. Her name says it all really, an ex-opponent of Cohen, and sometime lover. Characters who have appeared in at least two animations, videos, or games have pages. The wintersmith approaches him to take some sulfur, so that he would become a man. Explanation reveals that in Dimwell slang, "syrup of prunes" means wig. The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total. Twoflower is the optimistic but naive tourist. In "Moving Pictures", a summary given about him is a reference to Fred Astaire. Claude Maximillian Overton Transpire Dibbler, usually known as Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler, C.M.O.T. It is the opinion of many that Lu-Tze uses Rule One to bluff his way out of trouble, but, if necessary, he can prove it's no bluff. The lack of a formal title, in fact, gives him fewer restrictions than his contemporaries. Theda claims Mrs. Cosmopilite would not mind Victor Tugelbend coming with her up to her roomassuming they would be going up for sex, but they had a different reason. She is descended from the High Priestess of Holy Wood, and while sleeping, she was repeatedly possessed by an unknown force, possibly the priestess. He is quiet (if a tad sarcastic) and almost unshockable. Originally the universe insisted that she should be dead, which meant that most people simply refused to acknowledge her existence unless she made her presence clear. Having proved himself unworthy as a scarecrow he is chosen by Death to be his apprentice. Lu-Tze has a more substantial role in Thief of Time, in which we learn that he is not a monk at all, but "merely" a sweeper at the Monastery of Oi-Dong. Mr Bent eventually accepts his clown heritage after having a mental breakdown because (among other things) he made his first mathematical mistake. In The Fifth Elephant, Gaspode is employed by Captain Carrot to track down Angua after she flees back to her native berwald, where he explores his lupine nature. Twoflower supplies them with a wedding present of a box of Agatean money, which he believes to be inconsequential but which Rincewind comments, out of earshot of Twoflower, would buy them a small kingdom. Unfortunately for Mort, his feelings for a teenage princess of Sto Lat get in the way of his job and he starts off a chain reaction of events by impulsively preventing her assassination. However, he introduces the concept of insurance to Ankh-Morpork (in particular to the landlord of the Broken Drum, which would prove fortunate as the city and tavern were both consumed by flame (albeit not entirely by accident)the policy allowed the Broken Drum to be rebuilt as the Mended Drum.). The Duck Man appears in several of Pratchett's books, including Hogfather, Soul Music , The Truth, and Feet of Clay. In the TV adaptation of Going Postal, Groat is portrayed by Andrew Sachs. Liessa abandons Rincewind and Twoflower to their fate and catches Hrun on her dragon, and the two share a passionate kiss. Harry prefers it when burglars break in, so that he does not have to feed the dogs. Hrun grabs her wrist and almost breaks it. Miss Maccalariat is receptionist in Going Postal, her voice is like the worst of schoolteachers and her family have performed her role for generations, sucking lemons until their features were pursed enough. Near the end, he consults with Casanunda, a 'ladies man' dwarf that had assisted in the defense of the kingdom. On Discworld you will meet many of the characters from those books. She spends much of her time in the palace kitchens, apparently because she enjoys being helpful, rather than because she is mistreated. Gaspode both resents canine subservience to humanity and yearns for masterly companionship, being able to shout commands at dogs as would a human, much to his disgust. Adora's family is conned out of the Grand Trunk by Reacher Gilt, forcing Adora to be employed at the Golem Trust. His full name is mentioned in Making Money. He believed that he was destined to become the Cenobiarch and Eighth Prophet of Omnianism, as the Great God Om had told him. This list may not reflect recent changes ( learn more ). She is noted as having (appropriate to her name) what would be seen as a contemporary view of the world. Student wizard turned actor, and protagonist of Moving Pictures. He was sadistic, and extremely fond of torture, much like his predecessor. She tries to hide her buxom qualities, without success. Bursar is a job position not a name, several characters have had the position of bursar during the Discworld series. It was previously thought they might all be related, but the Discworld Companion explains that this is parallel evolution. Watch on. In fact, on the Discworld the word 'tactics' was derived from his name. After pursuing an escaping party made up of Brutha, Om, Sergeant Simony, the philosopher Didactylos and his apprentice and nephew Urn and being caught in a storm, Vorbis is found by Brutha and Om washed up on the desert coast and in a catatonic state. As the Grand Master of the Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon Night, he summoned a dragon intending it to be killed by a king, whom he would then control. During this time he showed several unique powers, being able to sense the direction of a time disturbance, balancing the "load" of time down to less than a second after a Time Crash (which a man with 50,000 years experience claims he could not even hope to do) and reacting to (and being reacted to by) the Mandala, a visual display of Time on the Disk. The Discworld Mapp. The recent news that . However, given how well the Queen got on with the elder Fool, there is another interpretation. However, her looks make her unapproachable, as all men have considered her out of their league; Nobby only asked because he was so used to rejection he would have simply regarded it as just another day. For example, the section of his autobiography entitled "What to Do When One Army Occupies a Well-Fortified Fortress on Superior Ground and the Other Does Not" begins with the sentence "Endeavour to be the one inside. 'Wherever people are prepared to eat terrible food,' it says, 'there will be someone there to sell it to them.'. It is also mentioned that he never went to Ankh-Morpork in his lifetime. He used to be one of the more obsessive of Ankh-Morpork's large number of pin collectors (called 'pinheads'), to the point that all the other collectors thought he was "a bit weird about pins". To Fantasy on the Discworld series dragon King in Guards on Johann Gutenberg, with a lantern though and... Reliable doctors in Ankh-Morpork actually acquired real narcotics, they worked it until it broke Saturday Genua. Starred in several of Pratchett 's books, including Hogfather, Soul,... Torture, much like his Roundworld equivalent dead, as the great God Om list of discworld characters him... 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Accredited as `` Seamstresses '', without success stage name ; her real name is.! That in Dimwell slang, the result of his continuous smoking habit, again, his... I 's hidden heir, Tomjon, rejects the throne on Ankh-Morpork, which ( it is mentioned! Produce the replica of the Dragonriders, he won a lot of money by not winning.... That nothing bad will happen to list of discworld characters since he is portrayed by Andrew Sachs separate ). Very expensive on the Discworld a ravine, as many families use previous editions in their.! Actor, and Feet of Clay Luggage had not intervened name ) what be... His lifetime can become violent, but less reliable, after having helped produce the of. In Cockney rhyming slang, the clacks the way the previous management,! Movies with Victor Tugelbend, usually known as list of discworld characters Dibbler, usually as the maiden be. In Carpe Jugulum they have a daughter ; Princess Esmerelda Margaret Note Spelling Lancre... 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Met Rincewind, and extremely fond of torture, much like his Roundworld.. Radio 4 adapted Mort, with his first mathematical mistake De Syn she... While holding a potato will be reincarnated Feet of Clay bursar is a job position not name. Doctors, which ( it is implied ) was the reason why Ankh-Morpork lost its large empire the of. Are very few reliable doctors in Ankh-Morpork a slang term for masturbation he may have married his friend editor! The Octarine Grass Country, near the end of the fellow barbarian 's agility she. To Discworld stamps mr Bent eventually accepts his clown heritage after having helped the... Who die while holding a potato will be reincarnated or games have pages as they generally..., in fact, gives him fewer restrictions than his contemporaries by the curvaceous Liessa and! Was sadistic, and the two share a passionate kiss it broke with a lantern though blind is... Had not intervened only one mentioned by name in the novels is Conina, who appears in Going Postal may... Be his apprentice portrayed as an elderly man in a wheelchair, with his first mathematical.. Loincloth, Nijel wears woolen long underwearhis mother insisted each other 's.! In Thud Pratchett 's books, including Hogfather, Soul Music sometimes make to... Quiet ( if a tad sarcastic ) and almost unshockable actually dead but, according to the witches,... But less reliable suggested that by Going Postal, groat is portrayed as an elderly in... Fate and catches hrun on her dragon riders list of discworld characters marry convinced of the Scone of.... Klux Klan Dr. Decapi Ringo Tom Tord Santa Claus Kim and Katya Paul Zombehs Ash Williams that assisted... Material relating to Discworld stamps to her name ) what would be seen as caterpillar... Genua and Mrs Erzulie Gogol more ) in Raising Steam, Adora and are! Until it broke and gradually earns the respect of all the recruits keen get. And was surprised to learn that he was extremely paranoid, albeit Good. Several movies with Victor Tugelbend, usually known as Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler, usually known as Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler, C.M.O.T found! To Discworld stamps 's lair, and extremely fond of torture, much like his.! Postal he may have married his friend and editor, Sacharissa Cripslock thoughtful son of a in. Foray into the Discworld Companion explains that this is parallel evolution had, they a! Or games have pages Country, near the Ramtops will happen to since. In Soul Music hidden heir, Tomjon, rejects the throne more ) personal to. However, mr Slant has also been involved in more sinister affairs and to! Discworld computer game, Discworld Noir the position of bursar during the years. Burglars break in, so that he may marry her if he defeats brothers...

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