To help prevent plant thorn arthritis, people can try to minimize contact with plants that have thorns. Here are the signs you may need to see a doctor. Any data in this post is provided 'as is' and in no event shall I be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, damages resulting from accuracy or lack thereof, insult, or lost profits or revenue, claims by third parties or for other similar costs, or any special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of my opinion or the use of this data. *You're signing up to receive QVC promotional email. If youre a botanist, you might call these sharp outgrowths prickles, as theyre part of the outer layer of the plants stem. The next would be, getting stuck with spines on a Aiphanes palm. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. I know this plant as Phoenix palm, and its a nasty one. Has anyone had experience with a wound from a palm frond? The leaf didn't want to come off and the razor-sharp edge of the petiole gave me a nasty cut on my fingers. "Kokoda" is the movie. The pain and swelling went down right away when in the past I was dealing with the puncture for days. I did NOT kill the offending palm. An ultrasound examination revealed a foreign body in the posterior lateral aspect of the right knee. Carefull planning and placement can save a lot of work later on. A few months back my 15 yr. old son was sliding down an outside bannister without a shirt on, fell off into a Washingtonia that was about 4' tall. TIA. Plant thorn arthritis is a rare form of arthritis in which a plant thorn punctures a joint, causing inflammation. There was a guy who fell into the crown of a Phoenix canariensis out in San Bernardino (he was working on a building and fell off and would have hit the ground, but the phoenix was there instead) and it took hours to extricate him. The credits are the best, with the Build me up, Buttercup sing-along. I have one, too, and it's going to be either moved, or re-moved. I was just getting enthusiastic about palms and this guy had a really nice, young, mature Chamaerops humilis in his front yard. No wonder it kept hurting! He couldn't sit down for several weeks. Wish I had Cape Fear, I'd grab one with DeNiro in that hawaiian shirt. Dig up dead foxtail, insert C. gigas in it's hole. - gmp. before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. I was a bloody mess and mouth was completely numb. Phoenix are a some-ba'-beech, as an old Italian guy in my ancient hood might have said. Has anyone seen these tiny leaflet splinters on Phoenix? Doctors may order blood tests, biopsies of joint fluid, and ultrasound scans to diagnose plant thorn arthritis. Sporotrichosis is a relatively rare infection caused by the fungus Sporothrix. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.". The pain usually last for a few days, and especially painful near the fingernail!! Learn more about these serious fractures, how theyre treated, and what to expect. Please try again later. East of Mount Soledad, in the biggest cold sink in San Diego County. It only takes a few stabs to learn. Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. If the thorn of a sago palm tree punctures your skin, get medical help, just to be on the safe side. . The wound healed itself, evidently quite well. Plant thorn arthritis typically only affects one joint. This sounds like the same 4th. Personally, only minor issues with Phoenix and Chamaerops. Tiny portions of the broken thorn are likely to get stuck to it. Hurt worse than I was expecting. Common sweetener erythritol tied to higher risk of stroke and heart attack, Gout: How metabolic syndrome may increase the risk, A new therapeutic target for the prevention of heart failure due to aortic stenosis, Skipping breakfast and fasting may compromise the immune system, Tips for recovery of an ankle replacement, wearing protective clothing and boots that cover the body, using tools for digging rather than their hands. If you notice any of these symptoms in your pet, get him to the vet immediately. If he gets stuck he gets a bad infection and winds up at the doctors for antibiotics or something. It hurt like heck, and got real hot and was painful for 2 days! Carlsbad, California Zone 10 B on the hill (402 ft. elevation).,,,,,,, Just-a kick-a heem', like a dees!" Yes, I've gotten stuck a lot. Phoenix sylvestris spine that went right between my finger and finger nail. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. There are currently 1 users browsing this thread. Wide mouth and large C-handle allow for easy, every day use. An ultrasound examination revealed a foreign body in the posterior lateral aspect of the right knee. Sorry, we were unable to perform your search at this time. So, I was curious. Phoenix canariensis have always been kind to me, i have been playing among them since early childhood and never got anything but a pleasant feeling from it, ''To try,is to risk failure.To not try,is to guarantee it''. "Genius is nothing but a great aptitude for patience.". Clear editor. The bump get bigger and starts to look like an open sore. The fronds we have grow to 18' so when they're cut down they're awkward to lift and carry and getting stuck is easy. When the injury is adjacent to bone, the. Over time the mass grows larger and develops oozing sores, making the affected limb unusable. It helped me learn, you only weed your own spiny palms! I might try and get something from "Castaway" next. Hi all, I think there are quite a few pages on the net all about phoenix poisoning its quite dangerous what these can do! Out-of-pocket costs may apply. Treatment can help people fully recover and prevent plant thorn arthritis from developing into chronic arthritis. Or is there any medical treatment that might help? I once got brutalized by a big trithrinax campestris.. Please make sure that you are posting in the form of a question. My hand started having spasms and I looked and saw a bloody entrance wound and then about an inch a away from that was a lump where my skin was raised from the back end of the spine that was lodged in my forearm bone (not sure which one). MS: Can the Mediterranean diet help preserve cognitive health? Pets that get their mouths on sago palms, thorns or otherwise, often experience symptoms like depression, weakness, vomiting, runny stools, appetite loss, bruises, exhaustion, severe stomachaches, unusual thirst and bloody fecal matter. The plant thorn fragments cause a localized inflammation reaction in the joint lining tissue that leads to swelling, stiffness, loss of range of motion, and pain. The tube works really well and the B armata has grown 3 leaves since planting. The worst case though was a work colleague who on bending down doing weeding, got poked in the eye by a young alex spear. My garden helper also jabbed one into his knuckle. - Knowledgebase Question. Allright, I'm out of here. Wide mouth and large C-handle allow for easy, every day use. You can post now and register later. I was pulling out little splinters for days. I've heard lots of gruesome CIDP stories. There doesn read more I was pruning my p.canariensis and stepped into one of the fronds on the ground - stuck into my ankle. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. No matter what you call them, rose thorns are sharp enough to penetrate your skin and have the ability to pass infectious material into the wound, such as: These substances delivered into the skin by a thorn could result in a number of diseases, including: Read on to learn the symptoms to watch for and how to treat infections from rose thorns. Franks and beans. Here's the link: Although Blackthorn or date palm thorns cause most reported cases of plant-thorn synovitis, the thorns of numerous other plants can cause it too. i got a thorn on my palm. Puncture injuries may look harmless, but bits of thorny debris may lodge inside the wound. Please keep us posted. As many of my palms as he has killed with that damn lawnmower though, maybe this was a little revenge from one of them, lol. It could get infected, so be watchful! The scar in my upper chin is from a split that required eleven stitches after a Washingtonia petiole fell from a hundred feet up and freakishly hit me while I was innocently walking to my front door. By joining Cureus, you agree to our In this surgery, the connective tissue of the joint is removed. Then couldn't move my neck at all and my dear husband took me straight to the ER where I had all kinds of expensive tests and ended up in a cervical collar. I always manage to get stabbed by those needles, usually many times in each hand. Livistona Decipiens is just plain gnarly, I've had to pick the recurved spines out of my arm a few times. I had one go pretty deep into the side of ring finger. It kept hurting but I didn't pay much attention to it. The recorded message said they were terribly busy and only to stay on if it was an emergency. Please use a different way to share. Help! When I'm cleaning up the yard I've come to accept that you're going to get poked, slashed, sliced, cut, jabbed or gored Stretch the affected skin area gently and apply an adhesive tape or a simple cello tape over it . Pasted as rich text. Antibiotics can often effectively treat actinomycetoma. 2019 link above. Wound up at the chiropractors after planting 6 triple Roebelinis with about 6 feet of trunk and huge rootballs by myself one day. The worst was a nasty cut from a Copernicia alba; the recurved thorns on its petioles are like cat claws. Doctors may take a biopsy of the synovial fluid, which is the fluid around the joint that lubricates it and allows smooth movement. Forget the Phoenix palms, I cut them all down long ago. . Having read the stories of Phoenix stabbings (and watching the travails of a worker who fell into the crown of a CIDP from a skyscraper ) I'm super careful around them. Solid zone 9, I can expect at least one night in the mid to low twenties every year. His leg obviously hurts and he thinks part of the thorn is still in there. Yup, been stabbed by every spiny palm in the yard. The progression of symptoms is typically the following: Its likely your doctor will prescribe a several-month course of antifungal medication, such as itraconazole. As it went in it stretched the skin on my arm and then it broke off and the skin went back. Like through the palm and out the back of the hand. I (unknowingly) had a 1/2 inch thorn imbedded in my ankle for 6 months Summer (May-Sep) Highs - upper-90'sF (37C) Hot Humid, Winter (Dec-Jan) Lows - upper-30sF (3C) Mild/Cool Humid. . Next injury came at the very end when I did the very same action, this time, I got stabbed right in the medial deltoid. Hope you recovered from the Royal mishap . 4 km inland from Indian River; 27 N (equivalent to Brisbane), Central Orlando's urban heat islandmay be warmer than us. It may affect any joint a thorn can come into contact with, such as the finger or knee joints. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. I have had 2 close calls with falling dead leafs, one with a W. robusta leaf crushing down a meter from me outside Tampa Aquarium while standing for a photo and another was with a Phoenix canariensis leaf which was to fall exactly where i was but i heard it break free from the palm and moved away just in time before it crushed there. January 3, 2007 in DISCUSSING PALM TREES WORLDWIDE, I poked my hand on the leaflet tips of a Phoenix reclinata today. The worst I've heard: My next door neighbor was wearing flip flops and she stepped on the base of a P. canariansis frond. grade play I saw many years ago too. PERFECT BEAUTY GIFT WITH SATISFACTION GUARANTEE - Our Coffee Mug is a Top Quality.The Best Customer Support | Our company culture is focused on Customer Care and Customer Experience.That's why we offer you 24/7/365 Support for any questions you might have. So, as palm guys do wether they know why or not, I went to go get some of the seeds off the tree. It is never good to go barefooted anywhere much less outside. Report back, K? Minor symptoms include neck pain and stiffness, but numbness and more, Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. Your link has been automatically embedded. Plant thorn arthritis can affect joints that come into contact with a plant thorn, such as the finger, knee, or ankle joints. All parts of the plant are toxic, including the thorns. Toxicity isn't always immediately apparent. Arthrocentesis -- using a needle to withdraw fluid from a swollen joint -- eventually led to identification of Pantoea agglomerans, a common soil bacteria, causing septic arthritis. I was very carefully pruning off the rubbish from my CIDP and was about to cut off the spines (I insert them into a piece of polysterene and call it "art"). Dishwasher and microwave safe. And third, getting ripped on the hand or arm with teeth on the stems of Copernicia palms. check out the FAQ by clicking the Rather than benadryl, I use caution when working around the T. campestris. But I couldn't just leave it half out of the ground so I finished planting it. What's this inside my palm? 30-98 degrees, and 45-80deg. First of all, we need to remove this. Yellow Alocasia Polly Plant Leaves - Reasons & Treatment . All rights reserved. The British Medical Journal noted in a November 2002 issue that the fronds of date palms are "particularly dangerous," because the sharp, narrow tips of their spines dry quickly and break off easily when they puncture skin. Mycetoma occurs when these specific fungi or bacteria repeatedly enter the skin through a puncture, scrape, or cut. Amazon has encountered an error. They're also often seen near entryways. Some foods may increase inflammation or trigger pain for people with arthritis. Surgery, including amputation, might be necessary to remove infected tissue. Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video. Infections are particularly likely if the debris carries fungal toxins or soil bacteria, such as Pantoea agglomerans. Phoenix can be nasty too. I'm going to change it soon anyway. After screaming several expletives at the campestrus, my garden guy said he would never get near that palm again! Sharp, 2-inch-long thorns protrude in great . I have been jabbed many times but the worse was when I was pulling some weeds near one. 30-98 degrees, and 45-80deg. It is best not to walk through a Calamus laden jungle with flip flops or any sort of open footware. The armament is far down the petiole away from the leaf, and pretty unimpressive compared to other palm species. A thorn stabbed my knuckle on my thumb and I pulled the thorn out almost immediately. Without treatment, plant thorn arthritis may develop into chronic arthritis. All parts of the plant are toxic, including the thorns. If any of you guys have ever wondered why palms even have thorns you only need to look in the mirror. (it's like a very small thorn)? The development of the inflammation in the joint of plant thorn arthritis is a slow process that involves certain immune cells that gradually accumulate in the joint lining tissue (synovium). All of this sounds so familar, a wrecked back from dragging heavy pots around, spines under the fingernail, Chamaehrops spines in the scalp, punctures, scrapes and wounds. (n.d.). Tying up the fronds on my largest washingtonia, cut my thumb the bone on one of the spinesprobably should've had stitches, but stuck a bandaid and called it good. Some are very long and thin that it's hard to see them. The best was having a couple spines from a Chamerops actually break off the petiole & embed in my head, while I was pruning it. He was out of service for weeks with a swollen knuckle. Sharp thorns on their branches, trunks and the undersides or tips of fronds can puncture the skin and cause bacterial or fungal infections. check out the. At least that is what I have found through some studies and my own experiences. (it's like a very small thorn)? Not a good day for that poor guy! Mine too. I pulled it and pulled it and a few millimeters later, it came out! I got stabbed with a palm tree thorn on my ankle at 11am and within an hour I started having a lot of pain, followed by swelling in my ankle, and now very limited mobility it's now 9:40pm. Thanks Thanks everyone for the answers the palm tree is a pheonix dactylifera. It took two ultrasound exams to locate the tiny bits of palm thorn debris causing the infection and limiting the range of motion in the boy's knee. Upload or insert images from URL. . I was wearing gloves that had .. Jul 5, 2020 The Madagascar palm is a beautiful flowering plant that is not easy to take care of . . Airlie Beach, Whitsunday Region. I'll have to remember that. Over a decade ago, I was cutting the grass around a Butia reclinata whose leaves extended out beyond its bed. . I haven't stepped on one, BUT I have been poked in the side with one. Some of the reason is the footwear they choose that has heels higher than the sole, and also it seems the ladies like to go sans shoes moreso that men. First time I have ever seen that phrase written though. So surgical removal of thorns is a good idea, overall. Then, not long after, on my paper route (I was fifteen or thereabouts at the time) some Italian guy on my route had the silliest little toy poodle I'd ever seen. QVC is not responsible for the availability, content, security, policies, or practices of the above referenced third-party linked sites nor liable for statements, claims, opinions, or representations contained therein. Just like-a dat. Pain and blurred vision got worse throughout the day - and back to the ER we went. But it didn't hurt much at all once it was out. Help! You cannot paste images directly. I've gotten stuck by the needles on my Rhapidophyllum hystrix quite a few times. It also seems like everytime, I go to weed one of my Copernicias, when I pull back, I have at least two or three petiole spines, come off recurved into my arms--anyone else have to pull out Copernicia thorns from their arms and fingers? I was convinced I'd pulled a groin muscle or a hernia for several months. . I've cut my fingers on the petioles of my sabals and my Bizzy. 24 votes, 18 comments. Products with electrical plugs are designed for use in the US. Printed with superior ceramic inks that are fired on at a temperature of up to 1200 degrees. The hardy orange (Poncirus trifoliata), also known as bitter orange and trifoliate orange, is a deciduous shrub often used in hedges. The. Let me know. | QVC, Q and the Q logo are registered service marks of ER Marks, Inc. 888-345-5788, I was barefoot in my yard and stepped on a palm frond. Thanks for the laugh Dave. There was a problem completing your request. Infections are particularly likely if the debris carries fungal toxins or soil bacteria, such as Pantoea agglomerans. The tips of the fronds are like needles. Clear editor. When planting my Brahea armata in a raised bed, I decided to place a 2" diameter tube in the soil to get water down to the root zone. Digging in the arm to the bone takes it for me. Fla. climate center: 100-119 days>85 F Inflammation of a palm tree puncture wound requires medical treatment. Keep your children and pets away from them, too. Temps range from -1C to 46C. It's specially designed with a large handle to provide you with a comfortable grip. It can be difficult to diagnose plant thorn arthritis. 0.6 Acres of a south facing, gently sloped dirt pile, soon to be impenetrable jungle. I poked my hand on the petioles of my arm and then it broke and! Mouth was completely numb help others learn more about these serious fractures, how treated! Other palm species nasty cut from a Copernicia alba ; the recurved thorns on their branches trunks! It came out Calamus laden jungle with flip flops or any sort open! Painful for 2 days of stabbed by a palm tree thorn footware that went right between my finger and nail... South facing, gently sloped dirt pile, soon to be on the leaflet tips of a south,. Yellow Alocasia Polly plant leaves - Reasons & amp ; treatment 's going be! Handle to provide you with a swollen knuckle may affect any joint a thorn can come contact! To get stuck to it a thorn can come into contact with such. 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