Dwight Spivey has been a technical author and editor for over a decade and is currently Educational Technology Administrator at Spring Hill College. And if you ever catch your iPad behaving badly, check out the five tips for setting your iPad back on track.\r\n\r\n[caption id=\"attachment_269751\" align=\"alignnone\" width=\"556\"] rangtheclick/Shutterstock.com[/caption]","description":"Can't wait to use your new iPad? Perhaps the easiest way to use Siri is to tell it to open an app by saying "launch [app name]" or play music by saying "play The Beatles." It makes suggestions and corrects mistakes on the fly. CoreWord 40 . . You can visit Paul on the web at www.mcfedries.com.
The iPad is known for its long battery life, but you can do some things to extend it even further. iPhone For Seniors For Dummies: Updated for iPhone 12 models and iOS 14 10th Edition by Dwight Spivey (Author) 412 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle $18.00 Read with Our Free App Paperback $23.69 - $29.99 32 Used from $16.02 20 New from $21.05 There is a newer edition of this item: iPhone For Seniors For Dummies $20.54 (7) In stock. 'Victorian Tech Savvy Seniors' is a Seniors Card Age Friendly Partners program with Telstra delivering training through rural and remote libraries across Victoria. If you download the guide from Apple Books (where available), you can read it even when iPad isn't connected to the internet. You can find online manuals, discussion forums, and downloads on this site, and you can use the Apple Expert feature to contact a support person by phone.
\niPad User Guide: the manual for free.
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